- In the process of being restocked

Reference: 124-HOE
Winter mix for pigeons "Winter 224".
It is a mixture that can be used perfectly after moulting, during the winter and throughout the year for pigeons that are cooped up.
AIDI Winter/Rust contains a lot of crude fiber that ensures optimal digestion and nutrient absorption. AIDI Winter/Rust also cleanses the body. The ideal proportions and the nature of fatty acids, carbohydrates and proteins allow the AIDI Winter/Rust mixture to prevent weight gain in pigeons.
paddy rice, barley, crib corn, pointed oats, burgundy crib corn, white wheat, peeled sunflower seeds, red milo corn, cardy, buckwheat, flax seeds, kemp seeds, katjang idjoe, toasted soybeans.
Winter Plus 20kg
Complete mix for winter/resting period
Complete feed for pigeons enriched with the special dietary pellet Immunity Concept⁺. Winter Plus I.C.⁺ is a mix for resting periods with a high content of grains with a lot of crude fibres that lead to a quicker feeling of satiety in pigeons during feeding. The added extruded pellets Plus I.C.⁺ contribute to better digestion and provide a supplement of vitamins and amino acids that are important in winter.
This energy food, 100% rich in minerals and natural grit gravel, contains everything a pigeon needs with Vanrobaeys grain feed. With the Vanrobaeys Super Grit Mix, you give your pigeons more vitality and energy. This mineral feed is absolutely essential in the pigeon loft and is also a treat for your pigeons.
Winter mix for pigeons "Winter 224".