Reference: VEGA-250ML
Vega is the most complete and balanced vitamin complex on the market. It contains no less than 10 vitamins, 15 amino acids, 5 electrolytes, 3 trace elements and 4 organic acids making 37 different elements! These elements are mostly highly dosed and by giving it regularly, you will avoid any deficiency to your birds. This is the ideal complex because it contains a lot of vitamin B (carbohydrates), amino acids (muscles) and even electrolytes to avoid dehydration.
Vega is the most complete and balanced vitamin complex on the market. It contains no less than 10 vitamins, 15 amino acids, 5 electrolytes, 3 trace elements and 4 organic acids making 37 different elements! These elements are mostly highly dosed and by giving it regularly, you will avoid any deficiency to your birds. This is the ideal complex because it contains a lot of vitamin B (carbohydrates), amino acids (muscles) and even electrolytes to avoid dehydration.
Mue / Breeding : Give twice a week
After treatment : For 2 days
dosage 10 ml per litre of water. Shake well before use. Change the solution every day.
Vega is the most complete and balanced vitamin complex on the market. It contains no less than 10 vitamins, 15 amino acids, 5 electrolytes, 3 trace elements and 4 organic acids making 37 different elements! These elements are mostly highly dosed and by giving it regularly, you will avoid any deficiency to your birds. This is the ideal complex because it contains a lot of vitamin B (carbohydrates), amino acids (muscles) and even electrolytes to avoid dehydration.
VEGA POWDER is a hyper-concentrated complex of vitamins, amino acids, trace elements and mineral salts. It is used during breeding, moulting or competitions at a rate of 15gr per kilo of seeds (to be mixed with PREMIUM OIL) or 30g per kilo of pie (mix with METABOLYT).
VEGA POWDER will give vitality and will also improve appetite. Ideal also after a course of antibiotics.
VEGA POWDER is a hyper-concentrated complex of vitamins, amino acids, trace elements and mineral salts. It is used during breeding, moulting or competitions at a rate of 15gr per kilo of seeds (to be mixed with PREMIUM OIL) or 30g per kilo of pie (mix with METABOLYT). VEGA POWDER will give vitality and will also improve appetite. Ideal also after a course of antibiotics.
Vega is the most complete and balanced vitamin complex on the market. It contains no less than 10 vitamins, 15 amino acids, 5 electrolytes, 3 trace elements and 4 organic acids making 37 different elements! These elements are mostly highly dosed and by giving it regularly, you will avoid any deficiency to your birds. This is the ideal complex because it contains a lot of vitamin B (carbohydrates), amino acids (muscles) and even electrolytes to avoid dehydration.
A complete basic initial preparation that contains all the necessary vitamins and trace elements for birds.
Winmix provides birds with all the necessary vitamins and trace elements for an active and harmonious life.
It contains essential proteins for good musculature and during the breeding season, plant fibres to balance digestion, and beneficial plant extracts advantageous to health.
Each component of Winmix is perfectly dosed, ensuring a balanced and coordinated action.
With Winmix, your birds are visibly more beautiful and vigorous, and this after just a few days of use!
Winmix keeps your birds in top form.
Breedmax® White is specifically designed for the breeding of birds for which there must be no contribution of canthaxanthin: for example white canaries or some mosaic canaries... Breedmax White improves reproduction without any risk of spots in the plumage of birds.
Breedmax® is a feed supplement for birds born from the collaboration of a veterinarian amateur bird breeder and a veterinarian-nutritionist.
The combination of well-assimilated calcium and a fair dose of calcium/phosphorus play an essential role in preventing the lack of laying eggs during the breeding season, a composition of vitamins largely meets the needs of birds.
Oropharma No-Pick is a spray with a bitter taste against feather pecking. This product protects young birds from pecking by their parents and helps to prevent pecking and self-mutilation. The phenomenon of pecking in your birds can have many origins. However, it is important to differentiate between, on the one hand, pecking done by parents on young birds and, on the other hand, pecking of their own feathers, a problem that is especially observed in adult psittacines.
VEGA POWDER is a hyper-concentrated complex of vitamins, amino acids, trace elements and mineral salts. It is used during breeding, moulting or competitions at a rate of 15gr per kilo of seeds (to be mixed with PREMIUM OIL) or 30g per kilo of pie (mix with METABOLYT). VEGA POWDER will give vitality and will also improve appetite. Ideal also after a course of antibiotics.
To be used in case of nutritional deficiencies due to calcium deficiencies.
Improves the hardness of the shells.
A liquid multivitamin complex.
Natural Naturavit allows a rapid and complete absorption of vitamins by the pigeon. Regular use of Natural Naturavit protects the pigeon against vitamin deficiency and results in maximum athletic performance.
Vitamin E is a preparation specially designed for fertilisation and breeding. Vitamin E has a powerful effect.
Instructions for use: 1 teaspoon of Quiko vitamin E 3 times a week per 1 litre of drinking water.
Store in a cool, dry place.
Red Animals has developed a concentrated vitamin E + Selenium of very high quality. The combination of vitamin E and selenium has a powerful antioxidant effect that promotes fertility. It is given 6 to 7 days before mating and also 2 times a week during the growth of the young.
Compared to wheat germ oil, this product is much more concentrated in vitamin E.
Dosage: 5ml per liter of water or 10ml per kilo of seeds or pâté
Vitamin A is a vitamin preparation (which is not soluble in water) for parakeets, cockatoos and canaries. Serve if vitamin A is lacking.
VEGA is the most complete and balanced vitamin complex on the market.
It contains no less than 10 vitamins, 15 amino acids, 5 electrolytes, 3 trace elements, and 4 organic acids, making a total of 37 different elements!
These elements are particularly highly dosed, and by giving it regularly, you will prevent any deficiencies in your birds.
It is the ideal complex as it contains a lot of vitamin B (carbohydrates), amino acids (muscles), and even electrolytes to prevent dehydration.
Moulting / Breeding: Give 2 times a week
After a treatment: For 2 days
Dosage: 10 ml per litre of water. Shake well before use. Change the solution daily.
Fertibol 5l - Comed
Solid foundations for life.
With our special mixture based on calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins A, D, and E, you give your pigeons the best start. This ensures stronger eggshells and allows young pigeons to hatch without problems. The young pigeons benefit from healthy bones and optimal development.
Vega is the most complete and balanced vitamin complex on the market. It contains no less than 10 vitamins, 15 amino acids, 5 electrolytes, 3 trace elements and 4 organic acids making 37 different elements! These elements are mostly highly dosed and by giving it regularly, you will avoid any deficiency to your birds. This is the ideal complex because it contains a lot of vitamin B (carbohydrates), amino acids (muscles) and even electrolytes to avoid dehydration.