Reference: 460204
Oropharma Omni-Vit is a balanced mixture of vitamins, amino acids, and trace elements. This dietary supplement is administered for optimal condition, better breeding results, optimal development of young animals, and in cases of weakness or stress. Omni-Vit helps in cases of reduced immunity due to infections. Vitamins, amino acids, and trace elements are dietary components necessary for the proper functioning of metabolism. In cases of intense effort, illness, or during growth, the supply of essential components through food may not be sufficient and this product will then be especially recommended.
Oropharma Omni-Vit is a mix of vitamins, amino acids and trace elements. This dietary supplement is administered for an optimal condition, better breeding results, optimal development of young people and in case of weakening or stress. Omni-Vit helps in case of immune system declines due to infections. Vitamins, amino acids and micronutrients are food components required for the smooth running of the metabolism. In case of intense effort, illness or during growth, the provision of essential components for feeding may not be enough, and this product will be recommended. Omni-Vit exclusively contains vitamins, amino acids, and of trace elements with high biological availability, which guarantee an optimum development of proteins in the body, which is essential for a good breeding and good condition.
Directions for use: 1 spoon shaved (= 1 g) of Omni-Vit per 250 ml of drinking water or per 100 g of food or Orlux eggfood.
Throughout the year to keep an optimal condition: once a week.
During the breeding period: twice a week. During recovery after illness: for 5 consecutive days.
After a vaccination: 3 days in a row. Formula for a detailed list of all the components, see the Butterfly in the package.
Vita-Min-DCP 250ml
Liquid source of vitamin D, calcium, phosphorus, and other minerals.
For animals deficient in vitamin D3, calcium, phosphorus, and other minerals. Promotes the development and formation of bones in young animals. Encourages the production of eggshells. Poor eggshell quality/soft eggs.
Use in case of nutritional deficiencies due to calcium deficiencies.
Improves the hardness of the shells.
Propolis (20%), honey and royal jelly. Rich in vitamins, minerals and simple sugars. Promotes proper loss of down, digestion, energy, helps the accumulation of immunity in young people.
15 ml / 1 kg of grains.
Belvimin is a mixture of Vitamin Minerals.
Contains the building blocks, vitamins (A, D3, B1, B2, E, PP in B12) and minerals important to keep pigeons in shape throughout the year.
Contains 25% calcium.
To protect pigeons from poisoning of the fields.
Supplementary, feeding means for ornamental birds.
VITA-K1 is a complex multivitamin with additional vitamin K1. Vitamins affect all vital processes in the bird's body. The active ingredients support metabolic processes and the general condition after antibiotic treatment.
VITA-K1 reduces stress and side effects in the treatment of antibiotics and anti-sulfonamide coccidiostatics.
Vitamin K1 activates the clotting factor and regulates blood clotting. It supports bone metabolism and cell growth.
A liquid multivitamin complex.
Natural Naturavit allows a rapid and complete absorption of vitamins by the pigeon. Regular use of Natural Naturavit protects the pigeon against vitamin deficiency and results in maximum athletic performance.
Belvimin is a blend of Vitamin Minerals.
Contains the building blocks, vitamins (A, D3, B1, B2, E, PP in B12) and minerals important to keep pigeons in shape throughout the year.
Contains 25% calcium.
To protect pigeons from poisoning fields.
Complementary food for professional ornithology.
The multi-complex formula acts on several important metabolic factors in the pre- and post-reproductive phases.
It prepares birds in the best possible way for the hormonal change of spring, supports the immune system, contains female phytoestrogens, promotes a correct and constant flow of testosterone in the blood, keeps the elements necessary for the body stable for greater egg production and more. bioavailability (27% more in experiments with laying hens).
Fast and simple system.
Compound feed for professional ornithology.
Belgica De Weerd Belgasol (aminiácidos + multivitamin + vitamin). Pigeons and birds
Belgasol is a product known all over the world and used by some of the pigeon racing champions 5 continents.
Oropharma No-Pick is a spray with a bitter taste against feather pecking. This product protects young birds from pecking by their parents and helps to prevent pecking and self-mutilation. The phenomenon of pecking in your birds can have many origins. However, it is important to differentiate between, on the one hand, pecking done by parents on young birds and, on the other hand, pecking of their own feathers, a problem that is especially observed in adult psittacines.
Use all year round. During stressful situations, during the reproductive and growth periods.
Oropharma Omni-Vit is a balanced mixture of vitamins, amino acids, and trace elements. This dietary supplement is administered for optimal condition, better breeding results, optimal development of young animals, and in cases of weakness or stress. Omni-Vit helps in cases of reduced immunity due to infections. Vitamins, amino acids, and trace elements are dietary components necessary for the proper functioning of metabolism. In cases of intense effort, illness, or during growth, the supply of essential components through food may not be sufficient and this product will then be especially recommended.