Reference: 460206
Oropharma Ferti-Vit is a balanced blend of vitamins, amino acids, and trace elements, enriched with vitamin E. To be used during breeding preparation, for singing in canaries and finches, and in cases of laying or fertility problems or death in the egg. Ferti-Vit stimulates sexual drive and promotes fertility. During the breeding period, a bird needs an optimal complex of vitamins, amino acids, and trace elements. The essential vitamin E, also known as the fertility vitamin, is a powerful antioxidant. The combination of components in Ferti-Vit is not only ideal for breeding but also increases resistance to diseases and helps protect heart and muscle tissues.
Oropharma Ferti-lives is a mix of balanced vitamins, amino acids and trace elements, rich in vitamin E. Use during preparation for breeding, for singing Canaries and finches and problems of ponte fertility or death in the egg. Ferti-lives stimulates the sexual ardor and promotes fertility. During the period of breeding, a bird needs an optimum complex of vitamins, amino acids and trace elements. Essential E vitamin, also known as the fertility vitamin, is a powerful antioxidant. The combination of the components of Ferti-lives is not only ideal for farming, but it also increases resistance to disease and helps protect the heart tissue and muscle tissue.
Operating instructions : 1 spoon shaved (= 1 g) of Ferti-lives by 250 ml of drinking water or 100 g of food or eggfood.
During the preparation for farming (3 to 4 weeks) until the first egg laid: administer every day.
During the season (singing) competitions for finches and other birds of contest: three times a week.
Oropharma Omni-Vit is a balanced mixture of vitamins, amino acids, and trace elements. This dietary supplement is administered for optimal condition, better breeding results, optimal development of young animals, and in cases of weakness or stress. Omni-Vit helps in cases of reduced immunity due to infections. Vitamins, amino acids, and trace elements are dietary components necessary for the proper functioning of metabolism. In cases of intense effort, illness, or during growth, the supply of essential components through food may not be sufficient and this product will then be especially recommended.
Oropharma Muta-Vit is a special blend of vitamins, amino acids, and trace elements, with high levels of sulphur amino acids and biotin. This dietary supplement stimulates feather development and condition, strengthens plumage, protects the liver, and ensures optimal metabolism. Muta-Vit helps prevent moulting due to stress. During moulting, the bird undergoes significant stress. A dietary supplement is therefore necessary. The sulphur amino acids present in Muta-Vit are essential for the formation of keratin, the building block of feathers and skin. Biotin promotes the formation of good quality keratin. This ensures a good, quick moult.
Oropharma Opti-Breed is a balanced blend of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, Florastimul, and L-carnitine. This dietary supplement is administered for good growth, optimal skeletal development, proper shell formation, and perfect skin and feather structure. Opti-Breed promotes better health and productivity and contains all the components your birds need for proper development. Adding Opti-Breed to your own egg food mixes contributes to better breeding and optimal growth. Florastimul is a prebiotic, a food substance for the good bacteria present in the intestine.
Fast and simple system.
Compound feed for professional ornithology.
The mixture of vitamin E and selenium improves the performance of breeding birds.
Improves fertility and singing.
The mixture of vitamin E and selenium improves the performance of breeding birds.
Improves fertility and singing.
Wheat germ oil enlivens instinct and improves fertilization. It guarantees great results in times of growth.
Wheat germ oil is a raw material for birds. The vitamin E in wheat germ oil promotes the development of healthy skin, plumage and fertilization. Since vitamin E stimulates the development of fertility, it is suitable for use in the rearing period. Wheat germ oil is a natural source of unsaturated complex fatty acids.
Comin-Cholin B-Complex Pigeon
Metabolism - Detoxification - Plumage
Solution of amino acids, electrolytes, vitamins, methionine, and choline.
It supports the metabolism and strengthens the pigeon's body in stressful situations.
It is recommended during training and competitions and against the stress of transporting young pigeons.
Also to be used at the end of the season and before the breeding period for its purifying effect.
Use all year round. During stressful situations, during the reproductive and growth periods.
Water-soluble multivitamins.
Vitamin A is a vitamin preparation (which is not soluble in water) for parakeets, cockatoos and canaries. Serve if vitamin A is lacking.
Belgica De Weerd Belgasol (aminiácidos + multivitamin + vitamin). Pigeons and birds
Belgasol is a product known all over the world and used by some of the pigeon racing champions 5 continents.
Oropharma Ferti-Vit is a balanced blend of vitamins, amino acids, and trace elements, enriched with vitamin E. To be used during breeding preparation, for singing in canaries and finches, and in cases of laying or fertility problems or death in the egg. Ferti-Vit stimulates sexual drive and promotes fertility. During the breeding period, a bird needs an optimal complex of vitamins, amino acids, and trace elements. The essential vitamin E, also known as the fertility vitamin, is a powerful antioxidant. The combination of components in Ferti-Vit is not only ideal for breeding but also increases resistance to diseases and helps protect heart and muscle tissues.