- In the process of being restocked

Reference: 004520
During the National Demonstration in Houten, Gerard and Bas Verkerk de Reedijk showed up at the BEYERS booth with a number of questions about the composition of the candy mix. They had some ideas in mind about possible compositional improvements. Given their expertise as renowned pigeon lovers, we got to work and a new mix of treats was designed. The requirements during development were: maximum absorption, high variation and high fat content. The new mixture was first tested on the dovecotes of those who had started the process. Both Gerard and Bas Verkerk and Gerard and Elly Reedijk Jongekrijg were unanimous: The new mix of treats met the required requirements on all fronts! It didn't take long for success to arrive on the flights. Gerard - Bas won among other things 1st - 4th National S2 Châteauroux 13,512 pigeons, 2nd, 3rd, 4th - 10th NPO Châteaudun against 8,855 pigeons, 4th - 5th NPO Bourges against 7,586 pigeons and they closed the season with a fantastic result on NPO Ruffec (750 km): 8-9-11-12-13- 14-15-16-17-18-20-21-26-27-28-29, etc. (54/59) vs. 3,839 pigeons.
CompositionAlpists 21%, hemp 13%, peeled oats 11%, cardi 7%, rapeseed 7%, red millet 7%, parbo rice 7%, extra white dari 6%, katjang idjoe 5%, white pearl 5%, shuttles 4%, cargo rice 4%, sesame seeds 3%
Analysis Carbonhydrates 39.15%, crude fat 17.29%, raw protein 16.49%, gross cellulose 10.67%, raw ash 3.52%, lysine 0.57%, phosphorus 0.46%, methionine 0.26%, calcium 0.16%