Reference: 82226/10124
Megabactin bird 1kg - Intestinal Conditioner - Liquid Droppings - Comed
To be used in case of liquid droppings.
Botanical product with special properties that helps maintain the natural balance of intestinal flora (optimal pH value during digestion).
Regulates intestinal transit and provides a protective layer on the intestinal mucosa.
Megabactin bird 1kg - Intestinal Conditioner - Liquid Droppings - Comed
To be used in case of liquid droppings.
Botanical product with particular properties that helps maintain the natural balance of the intestinal flora (optimal pH value during digestion).
Regulates intestinal transit and provides a protective layer on the intestinal mucosa.
5 g (1 heaped teaspoon) per 250 g of total food (egg food and/or seeds) in case of liquid droppings.
Never in drinking water.
Breeding promotion, exhibition/competition, extra energy.
the Bronx is made up of several plants including echinacea, eucalyptus and mint.
• Echinacea: excellent effect on the airways.
• Pimpinella anisum: greatly improves digestion.
• eucalyptus: acts on the airways.
• Mentha piperitta ET: very effective against mucus.
Multivitamin preparation for all bird species
NEKTON-S contains all the essential vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and trace elements. A vitamin deficiency (known as hypovitaminosis) is difficult to detect in birds, but if it persists, it can lead to serious illnesses that may result in the premature death of the animal. Approximately 90% of all bird diseases are caused by inadequate nutrition.
Do not store in the refrigerator!
Broccoli has a high nutritional value for its high vitamin, mineral and protein content.
Crop health, proventricle and gut health.
Prevention of megabacteriosis and dysbacteriosis:
1-2 days a week 2 ml/l of drinking water.
Can be combined with ACS.
Vega is the most complete and balanced vitamin complex on the market. It contains no less than 10 vitamins, 15 amino acids, 5 electrolytes, 3 trace elements and 4 organic acids making 37 different elements! These elements are mostly highly dosed and by giving it regularly, you will avoid any deficiency to your birds. This is the ideal complex because it contains a lot of vitamin B (carbohydrates), amino acids (muscles) and even electrolytes to avoid dehydration.
Against mold in seeds and seeds.
Dosage: 1g of Monoprop in 1kg of seeds.
Food acidifier: prevents the formation of mould and the proliferation of bacteria. Ideal for sprouting seeds.
Stops the development of mycotoxins. Helps prevent blackheads.
Oropharma Oro-Digest is an intestinal conditioner. This product prevents the adhesion of pathogenic bacteria in the intestine, improves the consistency of droppings, promotes hygiene in nests, and prevents the small feathers of the cloaca from sticking together. In the digestive tract of birds, there are bacteria essential for good digestion. These good bacteria predominate in healthy birds. If pathogenic bacteria predominate, the bird will have liquid droppings leading to significant loss of water and electrolytes. The administration of antibiotics will eliminate both the good and the bad bacteria.
Use all year round. During stressful situations, during the reproductive and growth periods.
Megabactin bird 1kg - Intestinal Conditioner - Liquid Droppings - Comed
To be used in case of liquid droppings.
Botanical product with special properties that helps maintain the natural balance of intestinal flora (optimal pH value during digestion).
Regulates intestinal transit and provides a protective layer on the intestinal mucosa.