Reference: 75823/10059
Roni is a product developed for the health of the mucous membranes of the beak, throat and digestive system. It acts by deposition of a mucous mat of particular carbohydrates.
Roni is a product developed for the health of the mucous membranes of the beak, throat and digestive system. It acts by deposition of a mucous mat of particular carbohydrates.
This combination creates an alert immune system and ensures good digestion.
The composition, as scientific studies show, nourishes the good intestinal flora and reduces bad germs.
It is a particularly active intestinal conditioner and the ideal supplement for Cometose.
How to use it:
In case of problems, during any significant change of diet or to normalize digestive function: a 5-day cure.
In preparation for optimal breeding:Give Roni every day for 14 days before mating and 14 days in the food of the weaning young to support the defense system.
Dosage: 1 full teaspoon (5 g) per 1 litre of drinking water or per 500g of food. Keep dry.
Yel-Lux 500g
Oropharma Yel-Lux is a natural yellow dye based on lutein. This dietary supplement intensifies the yellow colour of the plumage and increases resistance. Since feathers are made of dead cells and are therefore not nourished through metabolism, they develop their colour during their formation. The plumage is renewed on average once a year. This process does not occur all at once. The shedding of old feathers is stimulated by the formation of new ones, and this happens gradually, so that the bird always maintains a complete plumage.
VEGA POWDER is a hyper-concentrated complex of vitamins, amino acids, trace elements and mineral salts. It is used during breeding, moulting or competitions at a rate of 15gr per kilo of seeds (to be mixed with PREMIUM OIL) or 30g per kilo of pie (mix with METABOLYT).
VEGA POWDER will give vitality and will also improve appetite. Ideal also after a course of antibiotics.
A new generation colouring agent highly concentrated in canthaxanthin, with added beta-carotene to provide a certain brightness.
Its great advantage comes from its very special composition. Red Bird has indeed directly integrated high-dose choline to support the body heavily stressed by the colouring agent (Vit B4). It also contains vitamin B2 and B9 as well as clay.
Therefore, there is no cornmeal or polenta that can have an undesired colouring effect.
Instructions for use: 10g per kilo of mash or per litre of water
Oropharma Omni-Vit is a balanced mixture of vitamins, amino acids, and trace elements. This dietary supplement is administered for optimal condition, better breeding results, optimal development of young animals, and in cases of weakness or stress. Omni-Vit helps in cases of reduced immunity due to infections. Vitamins, amino acids, and trace elements are dietary components necessary for the proper functioning of metabolism. In cases of intense effort, illness, or during growth, the supply of essential components through food may not be sufficient and this product will then be especially recommended.
Natural source of calcium.
Contains beneficial algae.
Ideal activity for birds.
Helps digest seeds.
Food acidifier: prevents the formation of mould and the proliferation of bacteria. Ideal for sprouting seeds.
Stops the development of mycotoxins. Helps prevent blackheads.
Use all year round. During stressful situations, during the reproductive and growth periods.
Electrostatic iron replacement filter for NEW RG 2000.
Red Animals has developed a concentrated vitamin E + Selenium of very high quality. The combination of vitamin E and selenium has a powerful antioxidant effect that promotes fertility. It is given 6 to 7 days before mating and also 2 times a week during the growth of the young.
Compared to wheat germ oil, this product is much more concentrated in vitamin E.
Dosage: 5ml per liter of water or 10ml per kilo of seeds or pâté
Quiko Med powder is a natural product that does not produce any side effects.
This powder has bactericidal, acaricidal, and fungicidal effects. Quiko Med is not an antibiotic.
Quiko Med destroys resistant bacteria and contributes to a healthy immune system.
Can be used preventively or curatively.
Instructions for use:
To be administered preferably in soft food or in food.
Preventive: 3 g per kilo of soft food, once a week.
Curative: 3 g per kilo of soft food for 5/6 consecutive days, then once a week.
Roni is a product developed for the health of the mucous membranes of the beak, throat and digestive system. It acts by deposition of a mucous mat of particular carbohydrates.