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Reference: 82921
Clean Oral is an innovative and sustainable solution promoting increased resistance to pathogenic germs.
Clean Oral is a probiotic-based product that can be mixed with drinking water to prevent the appearance of algae and pathogenic germs in animal fountains and water troughs. The presence of probiotics promotes a healthy microflora and slows the growth of biofilm. Safe for humans and the environment.
Clean Oral is an innovative and sustainable solution promoting increased resistance to pathogenic germs.
Clean Oral is a probiotic-based product that can be mixed with drinking water to prevent the appearance of algae and pathogenic germs in animal fountains and drinkers. The presence of probiotics promotes a healthy microflora and inhibits biofilm growth. Safe for humans and the environment.
Instructions for use:
Shake well before use.
Mix 1 ml of Clean Oral per litre of drinking water for fountains and drinkers.
Clean Oral remains active for up to 5 days after mixing with water. It withstands water temperatures between 5 and 70 °C and pH levels between 5.5 and 9.
This product should be stored between 5 and 45 °C, away from sunlight.
The simultaneous use of biocides (antibiotics, disinfectants, bleach, etc.) should be avoided.
For concentrated yellow coloring. For all birds with a yellow factor. Allows you to obtain an intensive yellow.
Can be mixed with livestock feed or administered through drinking water.
Avitestin is a mixture of butyric acid and short- and medium-chain fatty acids. It reduces the pH of drinking water and thus reduces the risk of infection with gram-positive bacteria. High-quality medium-chain fatty acids exert their effects far into the small intestine and promote gut health by promoting the growth of the body's own probiotics. The butyric acid it contains is active in the intestine, promotes the growth of villi and therefore improves immune defense. In addition, the acids ensure that the drinking water stays fresh longer and have a positive effect on the metabolism of pigeons.
Tollyamin Forte contains a balanced and highly dosed mixture of amino acids, electrolyte and B vitamins. Herbs stimulate the intestinal flora and support the immune system. Valuable sources of protein are indispensable after competitions, for recovery and development of musculature. Tollyamin Forte can be administered all year round especially during competitions, moulting and breeding. It is also advisable to administer this product during vaccination or when using medications. From this strap you support the metabolism and avoid possible side effects.
Nano Tollyamin is a new product based on proteins of excellent quality. We use in this product the "building blocks of life: amino acids".
The administration of amino acids from animal protein sources supports the body's protein synthesis and accelerates regeneration after flights.
In racing pigeons, highly effective proteins from animal whey, combined with added free amino acids (building blocks of life), have been proven.
Some constituents of Nano are so small in size and weight that they are absorbed very quickly and efficiently. This results in a quick recovery after competitions.
BACTAIR SPRAY is composed of 100% natural products such as Eucalyptus and Menthol.
These essential oils help support the respiratory tract, especially during periods of intense heat.
Vitamin E-based preparation for breeding birds and reptiles
NEKTON-E is a dietary supplement based on alpha-tocopherol, which has the effective and lasting biological properties of vitamin E. NEKTON-E promotes cell membrane protection, the elimination of metabolic by-products, hormone formation, and muscle function.
Do not store in the refrigerator!
Natural source of calcium.
Promotes the digestion of seeds and cereals.
Ideal occupation for your pets.
An important complement to the daily diet.
Dosto-Oregano with higher concentrations of active ingredients against bacteria and coccidiosis and essential oils for healthy respiratory tract.
A key question that is always asked by fanciers every year is, "What's new do you have?" There's nothing new – it's often the answer.
It has never been our philosophy to bring something new every year. We must not follow all the waves of pigeon racing. If we bring something new, it must make sense and have a positive effect on our pigeons. To do this, we first test innovations on our own dovecotes and those of our good friends. Then we meet and discuss the results.
Mineraldrink provides valuable minerals for breeding pigeons and youngsters in times of crisis, such as egg-laying and rearing period of young pigeons. Mineraldrink is able to compensate for mineral imbalances. Trace elements such as copper, manganese and zinc are also responsible for important metabolic processes in the pigeon body.
Combating the black spot in nestlings.
It is important to take action with the breeders:
1) by strengthening the immune system,
2) by targeting intestinal pathogenic bacteria.
Instructions for use:
30-40 g (3-4 spoonfuls) per kg of feed during the chick feeding period and for 5-7 days
once a month throughout the year for all breeders.
Good for the plumage and the digestive system.
Instructions for use:
Mix into the mash or seeds.
Promotes the digestion of all birds in cages and aviaries.
Oyster scales and shellfish crushed and dried at more than 300°C.
Analytics Content:
Solubility 98.99%, Calcium carbonate 96%, Sodium chloride 1.5%, moisture 1%.
Does not cause staining.
Spirulina is a natural algae with a protein content of at least 55%! It contains many trace elements and amino acids. Well known in the human diet, it is a source of protein increasingly used nowadays, and 100% natural !!!
Very interesting for the growth of young and the fixation of dyes.
Avidress Plus contains short-chain acids that lower the pH of drinking water, thereby reducing the risk of infection. It also contains minerals, trace elements, and herbal extracts. This mixture with the acids makes the metabolism more efficient. Pigeons treated in this way are simply healthier.
Experiences: Many veterinarians specialising in pigeons confirm that there are rarely traces of pathogenic germs (trichomonas and bacteria) in the cultures' smears of pigeons fed with Avidress Plus.
Colour changes, when stored for longer periods, are specific to the product and do not affect the quality of the product.
Clean Oral is an innovative and sustainable solution promoting increased resistance to pathogenic germs.
Clean Oral is a probiotic-based product that can be mixed with drinking water to prevent the appearance of algae and pathogenic germs in animal fountains and water troughs. The presence of probiotics promotes a healthy microflora and slows the growth of biofilm. Safe for humans and the environment.