- In the process of being restocked
Fast and simple system.
Compound feed for professional ornithology.
The entire Animalis team sends you their best wishes for the year 2025!
Reference: 88651/10104
Cometaves Bird is a specialty that provides all the necessary elements to obtain and maintain optimal shape in aviary and cultured birds.
Cometaves Bird contains 32 components: vitamins, trace elements, soy protein and plant extracts.
They maintain the intestinal balance so that all nutrients are better absorbed. Your birds are full of activity, their plumage is brighter and more colorful.
In songbirds, the urge to sing increases.
How to use it: 1 full teaspoon (5g) of Cometaves Bird with 250g of food.
Administer twice a week before and during reproduction.
3 x per week after reproduction until moulting.
Never in drinking water!
Fast and simple system.
Compound feed for professional ornithology.
After several years of research, Red Animals is proud to present the quintessence of its range with the release of its brand new product, GOLDEN TONIC.
GOLD TONIC is truly a revolutionary product with huge potential. All the tests carried out had sensational results.
GOLD TONIC is a unique combination of plant extracts combined with organic acids and is also intended for pigeons, birds and poultry!
The primary goal of GOLDEN TONIC is to work on strengthening immunity with a great improvement in intestinal and respiratory health.
Mix of natural magical colors.
This mixture is specially formulated to perfectly color the colors of the goldfinch but also of other birds. The yellow stays yellow and the red is really bright red. This blend is the most complete natural blend on the market. Contains absolutely no cantax or other chemical dyes that are poisons to the livers of our birds.
The carotenoid gives birds their color. We can divide them into 3 categories.
The combination of these three elements Prebiotics + Probiotics + Postbiotics is very useful to regulate the balance of the INTESTINAL FLORA, the alteration of which is the main cause of many diseases of bird reproduction.
VEGA POWDER is a hyper-concentrated complex of vitamins, amino acids, trace elements and mineral salts. It is used during breeding, moulting or competitions at a rate of 15gr per kilo of seeds (to be mixed with PREMIUM OIL) or 30g per kilo of pie (mix with METABOLYT). VEGA POWDER will give vitality and will also improve appetite. Ideal also after a course of antibiotics.
Foniopaddy Seed is a natural grass seed grown on our plantations in Uganda. Scientific research has shown that Foniopaddy has a beneficial effect on coccidiosis.
Oropharma Omni-Vit is a balanced mixture of vitamins, amino acids, and trace elements. This dietary supplement is administered for optimal condition, better breeding results, optimal development of young animals, and in cases of weakness or stress. Omni-Vit helps in cases of reduced immunity due to infections. Vitamins, amino acids, and trace elements are dietary components necessary for the proper functioning of metabolism. In cases of intense effort, illness, or during growth, the supply of essential components through food may not be sufficient and this product will then be especially recommended.
After several years of research, Red Animals is proud to present the quintessence of its range with the release of its brand new product, GOLDEN TONIC.
GOLD TONIC is truly a revolutionary product with huge potential. All the tests carried out had sensational results.
GOLD TONIC is a unique combination of plant extracts combined with organic acids and is also intended for pigeons, birds and poultry!
The primary goal of GOLDEN TONIC is to work on strengthening immunity with a great improvement in intestinal and respiratory health.
BACTAIR SPRAY is composed of 100% natural products such as Eucalyptus and Menthol.
These essential oils help support the respiratory tract, especially during periods of intense heat.
COX is composed of a wide variety of plants including thyme, oregano and garlic.
• Thyme: strong immune power, excellent for the respiratory tract
• Oregano: strengthens immunity and resistance, improves digestion.