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Yellow Flax Seeds 5kg - Blattner
Flaxseed is rich in omega 3, which is essential for the cardiovascular system.
The entire Animalis team sends you their best wishes for the year 2025!
Reference: 103014200
Chia is a sage. It is an annual plant that can reach 1 m in height, and its scientific name is Salvia hispanica.
The composition of the chia seed closely resembles that of other mucilaginous seeds like flaxseed and psyllium. Unlike flaxseed, chia does not have anti-nutritional factors, which limit the use of flaxseed without prior heat treatment. The anti-nutritional factors are cyanogenic glycosides or linatins, inhibitors of vitamin B6 that prevent its action. Chia also has a much more pleasant taste than flaxseed, and birds are more willing to consume it.
Chia is a sage. It is an annual plant that can reach 1 metre in height, with the scientific name Salvia hispanica.
The composition of chia seeds closely resembles that of other mucilaginous seeds like flaxseeds and psyllium. Unlike flaxseeds, however, chia does not have anti-nutritional factors, which limit the use of flaxseeds without prior heat treatment. The anti-nutritional factors are cyanogenic glycosides or linatins, inhibitors of vitamin B6 that prevent its action. Additionally, chia has a much more pleasant taste than flaxseeds and birds consume it more readily.
Chia sage seeds are rich in flavonols (myricetin, quercetin, kaempferol), flavonol glycosides, chlorogenic acids, and caffeic acid.
They are rich in proteins and fibres. With a variable rate, ranging from 16 to 23% protein, they are higher than wheat (14.7%) and maize (14%). They are also very rich in lipids containing a high proportion of omega-3 fatty acids (alpha-linolenic acid represents 68% of the lipids or 21% of the total) and a favourable omega-3 to omega-6 ratio of around 3-4.
Strengths: Chia seeds provide a good source of calcium and phosphorus and a very good source of dietary fibre and manganese.
Chia has good antioxidant activity provided by its polyphenols (chlorogenic, caffeic acids, and flavonols).
Flaxseed is rich in omega 3, which is essential for the cardiovascular system.
These seeds rich in lipids and proteins are especially appreciated by wild birds. They will attract sizerins, reeds, goldfinches, black-headed chickadees, sparrows, sad doves and a host of other birds to your garden. It is often used as a replacement for the more expensive shuttle.
Dari, also known as sorghum, millet, is a variety of seeds that is attached to millet varieties. The dari has the size of the hemp seed. The seed is native to the warm regions of Australia, Asia, Africa and South America. There are three varieties: white, yellow and red-brown dari. It should be noted that light dari is given more value than red-brown dari. As far as the food value in particular is concerned, there is not the slightest difference. In addition, the red-brown dari is well appreciated by agapornis. Dari can be compared to wheat in terms of starch content. The seed has a favorable composition of amino acids. The protein present in the dari has a particularly high leucine content.
Niger seed is a bird seed rich in phosphorus and calcium.
Niger seeds (or nyjer seeds) are fine seeds rich in oil.
They come from Guizotia abyssinica (also called Oleiferous Guizotia).
Niger is very popular with most birds, goldfinches and tarins love it.
Niger is one of the few bird seeds with a good calcium/phosphorus ratio.
Millet is used in the diet of all birds: straight beaks and hooked beaks. In bunches, it's a treat they love.
Cluster millet has a good protein and carbohydrate content and also contains a large number of amino acids. Ideal for distracting your birds and thus avoiding pecking (feather pulling).
We advised giving red millet for exotic birds. It is richer in protein than yellow millet.
Premium high-quality, high-fat seeds
- With a high content of vitamin E, B9, B5, B6, B1, B2, B3 and vitamin K.
- It has antioxidant properties.
- Excellent energy contribution.
- Rich in calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, protein, zinc, thiamine, pectin (cleanses the body).
The milk thistle seed has hepatoprotective properties. It is therefore excellent for our birds to prevent liver problems.
Soybeans are an excellent source of iron, zinc, manganese, copper, selenium, potassium, vitamins, fiber, polyunsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants, in short, it is an excellent dietary supplement.
Soybeans are often used in sprouting seed mixes.
Flaxseed is composed of 40 to 45% oil and 25% protein. Flaxseed keeps very well. In particular, it contains two fatty acids with similar names (and whose root is the word "flax"), linolenic acid (an omega 3) and linoleic acid.
The seed is used in animal feed, especially for laying hens whose omega 3 content is to be increased.
Through these properties, this seed promotes digestion.
Properties of Pine or Larix seeds.
Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antispasmodic,
Antiseptic, anti-infectious (pneumococci),
Decongestant of the small pelvis and prostate,
Expectorant, tonic for the respiratory organs.
Dari, also known as sorghum, millet, is a variety of seeds that is attached to millet varieties. The dari has the size of the hemp seed. The seed is native to the warm regions of Australia, Asia, Africa and South America. There are three varieties: white, yellow and red-brown dari. It should be noted that light dari is given more value than red-brown dari. As far as the food value in particular is concerned, there is not the slightest difference. In addition, the red-brown dari is well appreciated by agapornis. Dari can be compared to wheat in terms of starch content. The seed has a favorable composition of amino acids. The protein present in the dari has a particularly high leucine content.
Foniopaddy Seed is a natural grass seed grown on our plantations in Uganda. Scientific research has shown that Foniopaddy has a beneficial effect on coccidiosis.