Reference: VESCES
Seed rich in protein, mainly present in pigeon mixes, appreciated by pigeons.
Seed rich in protein, mainly present in pigeon mixes, appreciated by pigeons.
Millet contains magnesium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, manganese, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) and vitamin B5.
Dimensions: 20kg
Cardi seed is rich in protein and linoleic acid, which helps lower cholesterol levels and therefore reduce heart disease. It is found in budgie and parrot mixes but also for native birds such as bullfinches.
Cardi seeds are high in fat. The amino acid proportions of the seed are very favourable, the arginine content is very high. The seed is low in lysine and methionine + cystine, while tryptophan is completely lacking.
Carrot seeds are very rich in vitamins with a high proportion of vitamin A and carotene, as well as vitamin B, calcium and valuable carbohydrates.
Onion seeds are rich in minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.
Hemp seeds are highly nutritious and contain more essential fatty acids (EFAs) than any other source and are in second place, after soya, for their richness in highly digestible proteins, of high biological value. They are particularly recommended during the breeding seasons in order to stimulate the reproductive instinct of birds.
They have the property of binding to minerals such as calcium, iron and zinc and making them less bioavailable.
The shuttle is almost similar to rapeseed, the difference lies in the bitter flavor of the latter. The shuttle seed is rich in protein and favorable to the improvement of song, so it is interesting during the breeding season in canaries. However, as this seed is quite fatty, we advise you not to exceed 10% of your shuttle mixture for colored canaries or posture canaries. For singing canaries, the shuttle softens the song and can therefore be used at 30% of the mixture: in the latter case, we advise you to accompany your bird's diet with liver support.
Sunflower seed contains almost 40% fat, but also proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins B and E. We quantify on a sunflower seed nearly 600 Kcalories per 100 g.
It satisfies throughout the year, the needs of a wide variety of birds, including the smallest of them.
Sunflower seeds are a real treat for our birds who love them!
Aleppo pine seeds (medium) for parakeets, parrots, crossbills... is a natural seed of the pine cone, a delight for your birds, this seed also has therapeutic properties, it can be added to the seed mix or in a separate feeder.
Niger seed is a bird seed rich in phosphorus and calcium.
Niger seeds (or nyjer seeds) are fine seeds rich in oil.
They come from Guizotia abyssinica (also called Oleiferous Guizotia).
Niger is very popular with most birds, goldfinches and tarins love it.
Niger is one of the few bird seeds with a good calcium/phosphorus ratio.
Yellow millet is rich in vitamins and minerals and is an alkaline (non-acidic) cereal. It is part of the basic diet of parakeets, exotic birds and exotic doves.
Millet contains magnesium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, manganese, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) and vitamin B5.
Flaxseed is composed of 40 to 45% oil and 25% protein. Flaxseed keeps very well. In particular, it contains two fatty acids with similar names (and whose root is the word "flax"), linolenic acid (an omega 3) and linoleic acid.
The seed is used in animal feed, especially for laying hens whose omega 3 content is to be increased.
Through these properties, this seed promotes digestion.
The green Pagima ensures the good health of your birds. Pagima green promotes the functioning of the intestines, thus ensuring better digestion. Pagima is also credited with a preventive action against inflammations of different types that threaten your birds, it is rich in vitamins and fiber, its smell is pleasant and its taste delicious.
The 1 kg white Perilla from the Manitoba brand is a high-quality food specially designed for birds.
Features and Benefits:
- Natural and Pure: White perilla is a natural, pure, and untreated seed, offering a healthy source of nutrition for birds.
- Rich in Nutrients: It is particularly rich in omega-3 fatty acids, essential for the overall health of birds, especially for their cardiovascular and immune systems.
- Plumage Health: Regular consumption of white perilla helps maintain shiny and healthy plumage thanks to its nutritional properties.
Seed rich in protein, mainly present in pigeon mixes, appreciated by pigeons.