Reference: 103081050-KG
Clover stimulates the immune system and slows down cellular ageing through its excellent antioxidant properties. Rich in vitamins B, C, E and provitamin A.
Pine seeds are a good source of Phosphorus, Magnesium, Zinc, Manganese, Copper, Iron, Vitamin E, K, B1, B2, B3, B9.
Spinach seeds contain vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B7, B9 and C, mineral salts and trace elements. Regular consumption helps to strengthen the feathers.
Dari, also known as sorghum, millet, is a variety of seeds that is attached to millet varieties. The dari has the size of the hemp seed. The seed is native to the warm regions of Australia, Asia, Africa and South America. There are three varieties: white, yellow and red-brown dari. It should be noted that light dari is given more value than red-brown dari. As far as the food value in particular is concerned, there is not the slightest difference. In addition, the red-brown dari is well appreciated by agapornis. Dari can be compared to wheat in terms of starch content. The seed has a favorable composition of amino acids. The protein present in the dari has a particularly high leucine content.
Pine seeds are a good source of Phosphorus, Magnesium, Zinc, Manganese, Copper, Iron, Vitamin E, K, B1, B2, B3, B9.
Rosehips are wild roses, whose rose hips are eaten in the fall, which are very rich in vitamin C.
Aleppo pine seeds (medium) for parakeets, parrots, crossbills... is a natural seed of the pine cone, a delight for your birds, this seed also has therapeutic properties, it can be added to the seed mix or in a separate feeder.
Chicory seeds (cichorium intybus) are among the health seeds that come from wild plants. These seeds are rich in fiber and minerals and allow intestinal balance.
They purify the body and are also effective in case of indigestion.
Seeds for canaries and exotic and native birds.
Carrot seeds are very rich in vitamins with a high proportion of vitamin A and carotene, as well as vitamin B, calcium and valuable carbohydrates.
The canary seed is a grass, an annual plant up to 1m tall, the seeds being found in the inflorescences. These seeds represent a significant fraction of the majority of bird mixtures.
• Excellent for canaries, European and exotic birds, wavy parakeets and large parakeets.
• EXTRA canary seed has undergone extra cleaning and is of exceptional quality. Unique on the market!
The shuttle is almost similar to rapeseed, the difference lies in the bitter flavor of the latter. The shuttle seed is rich in protein and favorable to the improvement of song, so it is interesting during the breeding season in canaries. However, as this seed is quite fatty, we advise you not to exceed 10% of your shuttle mixture for colored canaries or posture canaries. For singing canaries, the shuttle softens the song and can therefore be used at 30% of the mixture: in the latter case, we advise you to accompany your bird's diet with liver support.
Perilla Blanc seeds contain about 25% fat, 65% of which is omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid, a polyunsaturated fatty acid (AGPI): good fat!
The evening primrose is an annual or biennial, rustic, which can be found naturally at the edge of paths near the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts but also on the embankments of railways. Its erect stems are lined with large rosettes of downy leaves veined with red, between 10 and 30 cm long, oblong in shape, lanceolate, toothed, a little sticky.