Reference: 499193-KG
Paddy rice seed or raw rice which is perfect for exotic big-beaked birds such as padda and birds of Asian descent. This seed is also appreciated by parakeets, parrots and exotic doves.
Paddy rice seed or raw rice which is perfect for exotic big-beaked birds such as padda and birds of Asian descent. This seed is also appreciated by parakeets, parrots and exotic doves.
Camelina seeds contain vitamins (vitamin E) and minerals (magnesium, zinc) that contribute to the proper functioning of the body and the maintenance of health.
They're rich in omega-3 fatty acids, healthy fats that support heart health, reduce inflammation, and promote healthy brain function.
Peeled sunflower seeds are suitable for your budgies and parrots but also for straight beaks that live in outdoor aviaries in winter.
Sunflower seed contains almost 40% fat, but also proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins B and E. We quantify on a sunflower seed nearly 600 Kcalories per 100 g.
It satisfies throughout the year, the needs of a wide variety of birds, including the smallest of them.
Sunflower seeds are a real treat for our birds who love them!
No waste, no waste! The garden stays clean!
The green Pagima ensures the good health of your birds. Pagima green promotes the functioning of the intestines, thus ensuring better digestion. Pagima is also credited with a preventive action against inflammations of different types that threaten your birds, it is rich in vitamins and fiber, its smell is pleasant and its taste delicious.
Turnip is almost similar to rapeseed, the difference is the more bitter flavor of the latter. Turnip seed is rich in protein and favourable to the improvement of song, so it is interesting during the breeding season in canaries.
A type of seed with a mild taste and high protein content. They are also high in fat.
This seed is quite fatty, we advise you not to exceed 10% of your shuttle mix for colored canaries or posture canaries.
For singing canaries, the shuttle softens the song and can therefore be used at 30% of the mixture: in the latter case, we advise you to accompany your bird's diet with liver support.
The milk thistle seed has hepatoprotective properties. It is therefore excellent for our birds to prevent liver problems.
Camelina seeds contain vitamins (vitamin E) and minerals (magnesium, zinc) that contribute to the proper functioning of the body and the maintenance of health.
They're rich in omega-3 fatty acids, healthy fats that support heart health, reduce inflammation, and promote healthy brain function.
Hemp seeds are highly nutritious and contain more essential fatty acids (EFAs) than any other source and are in second place, after soya, for their richness in highly digestible proteins, of high biological value. They are particularly recommended during the breeding seasons in order to stimulate the reproductive instinct of birds.
Clover stimulates the immune system and slows down cellular ageing through its excellent antioxidant properties. Rich in vitamins B, C, E and provitamin A.
Carrot seeds are very rich in vitamins with a high proportion of vitamin A and carotene, as well as vitamin B, calcium and valuable carbohydrates.
Flaxseed is rich in omega 3, which is essential for the cardiovascular system.
Common names:
Cardère sauvage, Cabaret des oiseaux, Lavoir-de-Venus, Peigne-à-Loup [Fr], Grote kaardebol [Nl], Wilde Karde [De], Cardo dei lanaioli, Scardaccione selvatico [ Il], Cardencha, Cardo de cardador [Es].
Dried rowan berry that is loved by hooked beaks, natives and tropical birds. Use to enrich your seed mixes or treats. Dried fruit has a very long shelf life. To be used daily and in all seasons for a balanced meal to avoid deficiencies.
Spinach seeds contain vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B7, B9 and C, mineral salts and trace elements. Regular consumption helps to strengthen the feathers.
Paddy rice seed or raw rice which is perfect for exotic big-beaked birds such as padda and birds of Asian descent. This seed is also appreciated by parakeets, parrots and exotic doves.