Reference: 498054-kg
Buckwheat is a nutritious seed often included in the diet of cage and aviary birds.
- Appearance: Buckwheat is a triangular seed, light brown to greyish in colour, with a slightly rough shell.
Benefits for Birds:
- Balanced Nutrition: Buckwheat offers a combination of proteins, carbohydrates, and fibres, contributing to a balanced diet.
- Energy: The complex carbohydrates provide a sustainable source of energy for the birds' daily activities.
- Digestive System: The fibres promote good digestion and a healthy intestinal regulation.
- Proteins: The proteins in buckwheat support growth, reproduction, and the maintenance of muscle mass in birds.
Buckwheat is a nutritious seed often included in the diet of cage and aviary birds.
- Appearance: Buckwheat is a triangular seed, light brown to greyish in colour, with a slightly rough shell.
Benefits for Birds:
- Balanced Nutrition: Buckwheat offers a combination of proteins, carbohydrates, and fibres, contributing to a balanced diet.
- Energy: The complex carbohydrates provide a sustainable source of energy for the daily activities of birds.
- Digestive System: The fibres promote good digestion and healthy bowel regulation.
- Proteins: The proteins in buckwheat support growth, reproduction, and the maintenance of muscle mass in birds.
- Quantity: Use buckwheat as a supplement to a varied diet.
- Preparation: Buckwheat can be given as is or mixed with other seeds to provide a complete diet.
- Storage: Keep buckwheat seeds in a dry and cool place to prevent moisture and mould.
- Complementarity: Buckwheat should not be the sole source of food. Ensure to provide a varied diet to cover all the nutritional needs of birds.
Buckwheat is a nutritious and beneficial addition to the diet of birds, contributing to their overall well-being and balanced nutrition.
Analytical Composition:
Crude Protein: Approximately 12-14%
- Provides essential plant proteins for growth, reproduction, and maintenance of bird health.
Crude Fats: Approximately 2-4%
- Contains essential fats that provide energy and support proper cell function.
Carbohydrates: Approximately 65-70%
- Mainly in the form of starch, providing a sustainable source of energy for birds.
Crude Fibre: Approximately 6-8%
- Aids in digestion and maintaining good intestinal health.
Ash (Minerals): Approximately 1-2%
- Includes various important minerals:
- Calcium: Approximately 0.2-0.3%
- Phosphorus: Approximately 0.3-0.4%
- Magnesium: Approximately 0.2-0.3%
- Iron: Approximately 2-3 mg/100 g
- Vitamin B1 (Thiamine): Approximately 0.3 mg/100 g
- Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): Approximately 0.2 mg/100 g
- Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine): Approximately 0.3 mg/100 g
- Vitamin E: Moderate amounts
Additional Features:
- Antioxidants: Contains flavonoids such as rutin and quercetin, which may offer antioxidant benefits.
- Phytates: Presence of phytates, which can interfere with the absorption of certain minerals but also provide antioxidant properties.
Buckwheat for birds is a good source of proteins, complex carbohydrates, and fibres, contributing to a balanced diet. The levels of fats are moderate, and it contains essential minerals and vitamins for bird health. As with any food, it should be used as a supplement to a varied diet to ensure a complete nutrient intake.
Dari, also known as sorghum, millet, is a variety of seeds that is attached to millet varieties. The dari has the size of the hemp seed. The seed is native to the warm regions of Australia, Asia, Africa and South America. There are three varieties: white, yellow and red-brown dari. It should be noted that light dari is given more value than red-brown dari. As far as the food value in particular is concerned, there is not the slightest difference. In addition, the red-brown dari is well appreciated by agapornis. Dari can be compared to wheat in terms of starch content. The seed has a favorable composition of amino acids. The protein present in the dari has a particularly high leucine content.
Buckwheat is a seed that is very low in fat but rich in carbohydrates. This seed is ideal for feeding show finches and European birds.
Pine seeds are a good source of Phosphorus, Magnesium, Zinc, Manganese, Copper, Iron, Vitamin E, K, B1, B2, B3, B9.
Thanks to its small black or pretty electric blue seeds, the poppy is recognizable among thousands. A cousin of the poppy, the poppy is known for its content of good fats and micronutrients essential for the proper functioning of the body.
High-quality raw material for pigeons and chickens.
Superior quality.
Deep cleaned repeatedly.
These seeds rich in fat and protein are especially appreciated by wild birds. They will attract sizerins, finches, goldfinches, black-capped, sparrows, mourning doves and a host of other birds to your garden. It is often used as a replacement for the shuttle, which is more expensive.
Properties of Pine or Larix seeds.
Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antispasmodic,
Antiseptic, anti-infectious (pneumococci),
Decongestant of the small pelvis and prostate,
Expectorant, tonic for the respiratory organs.
Paddy Rice 20kg - Versele-Laga
Paddy rice seed or raw rice that is very suitable for exotic birds with strong beaks such as padda and birds of Asian origin. This seed is also appreciated by parakeets, parrots and exotic doves.
Peeled peanuts are treats highly appreciated by parrots.
They should be distributed sparingly as they are rich.
An ideal food to fill your feeders for wild birds, they will provide the necessary fat for birds to get through the winter more easily.
A favourite of tits and a real delicacy for many birds.
Niger, bird seeds rich in phosphorus and calcium. Niger seeds (or nyjer seeds) are fine seeds rich in oil. They come from Guizotia abyssinica (also called Oleiferous Guizotia). Niger is very popular with most birds, goldfinches and tarins love it.
Niger is one of the few bird seeds with a good calcium/phosphorus ratio.
Clover stimulates the immune system and slows down cellular ageing through its excellent antioxidant properties. Rich in vitamins B, C, E and provitamin A.
Buckwheat is a nutritious seed often included in the diet of cage and aviary birds.
- Appearance: Buckwheat is a triangular seed, light brown to greyish in colour, with a slightly rough shell.
Benefits for Birds:
- Balanced Nutrition: Buckwheat offers a combination of proteins, carbohydrates, and fibres, contributing to a balanced diet.
- Energy: The complex carbohydrates provide a sustainable source of energy for the birds' daily activities.
- Digestive System: The fibres promote good digestion and a healthy intestinal regulation.
- Proteins: The proteins in buckwheat support growth, reproduction, and the maintenance of muscle mass in birds.