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Reference: 498644
The peeled oats from Versele-Laga are a high-quality food primarily intended for birds. Offered in a 25 kg bag, these peeled oats are ideal for bird enthusiasts wishing to provide a nutritious and natural diet to their birds.
Peeled oats are rich in essential nutrients for birds.
The hulled oats from Versele-Laga are a high-quality food primarily intended for birds. Offered in a 25 kg bag, these hulled oats are ideal for bird enthusiasts who wish to provide their feathered friends with a nutritious and natural diet.
Hulled oats are rich in essential nutrients for birds.
Benefits for Birds:
- Nutrient Richness: Oats are an excellent source of proteins, fibres, and lipids, essential for growth and maintaining birds' health.
- Energy: Provides a good source of energy due to its carbohydrate and lipid content.
- Digestion: The fibres help with digestion and the proper functioning of the birds' digestive system.
- General Health: The minerals and vitamins present in oats contribute to overall health, including bone strength and feather quality.
Instructions for Use:
- Preparation: Hulled oats can be used as they are without requiring any special preparation.
- Mixing: Mix the oats with other seeds and foods to create a balanced mixture.
- Quantity: Use oats as a dietary supplement rather than the main food. A portion of 10-20% of the total mix is recommended.
- Storage: Keep the oats in a dry and cool place to prevent mould and insect infestation.
- Dietary Balance: Do not feed birds only with oats. Ensure they are provided with a varied diet.
- Quantity: Avoid giving excessive amounts of oats, as too rich a diet can lead to nutritional imbalances.
- Cleanliness: Regularly change the seeds to prevent mould and contamination.
Analytical Composition:
- Crude Proteins: 10-13%
- Crude Lipids: 5-7%
- Crude Fibres: 8-10%
- Crude Ash: 2-3%
- Moisture: 10-12%
Minerals and Vitamins:
- Calcium (Ca): 0.05-0.1%
- Phosphorus (P): 0.35-0.45%
- Potassium (K): 0.35-0.4%
- Magnesium (Mg): 0.12-0.15%
- Sodium (Na): 0.02-0.03%
- Iron (Fe): 50-60 mg/kg
- Manganese (Mn): 25-35 mg/kg
- Zinc (Zn): 20-30 mg/kg
- Vitamin A: 10-20 IU/kg
- Vitamin E: 5-10 mg/kg
- Vitamin B1 (Thiamine): 1-2 mg/kg
- Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): 2-4 mg/kg
- Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine): 1-2 mg/kg
- Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin): 0.01-0.02 mg/kg
- Folic Acid: 0.5-1 mg/kg
- Niacin: 10-20 mg/kg
Other Compounds:
- Essential Amino Acids:
- Lysine: 0.4-0.6%
- Methionine: 0.2-0.3%
- Threonine: 0.3-0.4%
- Tryptophan: 0.1-0.2%
By following these recommendations, hulled oats can be a valuable addition to your birds' diet, providing them with balanced and varied nutrition.
Striated sunflower is the basic seed of any parrot mixture. It is also used in mixtures for parakeets and exotic doves.
It is also the favorite food of your outdoor birds during the winter period! Ideal for feeding the birds in your garden.
Practical information for giving sunflower seeds to birds in your garden:
Remember to regularly clean the feeders of your outdoor birds so that diseases and bacteria do not thrive.
Also consider setting feeders high up to prevent predators (such as cats, foxes, etc.) from targeting birds when they are eating.
The milk thistle seed has hepatoprotective properties. It is therefore excellent for our birds to prevent liver problems.
Niger, birdseed rich in phosphorus and calcium. Niger seeds (or nyjer seeds) are fine seeds rich in oil. They come from Guizotia abyssinica (also known as Guizotia oleiferous). The niger is highly prized by most birds, goldfinches and siskins love it.
The seed is mainly grown in India, Burma, Ethiopia and Nepal. Niger is an oilseed with a high fat content (38-43%) and protein content (23%). It provides quality food for all species of wild and forest birds, both in dry and sprouted form.
Niger is one of the few birdseeds with a good ratio of calcium to phosphorus.
Peeled peanuts are very popular treats for parrots.
They are to be distributed sparingly because they are rich.
Ideal food to fill your wild bird dispensers, they will bring the necessary fat to the birds to spend the winter more easily.
The favorite of chickadees and a real treat for many birds.
Sunflower seed contains almost 40% fat, but also proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins B and E. We quantify on a sunflower seed nearly 600 Kcalories per 100 g.
It satisfies throughout the year, the needs of a wide variety of birds, including the smallest of them.
Sunflower seeds are a real treat for our birds who love them!
Niger, birdseed rich in phosphorus and calcium. Niger seeds (or nyjer seeds) are fine seeds rich in oil. They come from Guizotia abyssinica (also known as Guizotia oleiferous). The niger is highly prized by most birds, goldfinches and siskins love it.
The seed is mainly grown in India, Burma, Ethiopia and Nepal. Niger is an oilseed with a high fat content (38-43%) and protein content (23%). It provides quality food for all species of wild and forest birds, both in dry and sprouted form.
Niger is one of the few birdseeds with a good ratio of calcium to phosphorus.
Chicory seeds (cichorium intybus) are among the health seeds that come from wild plants. These seeds are rich in fiber and minerals and allow intestinal balance.
They purify the body and are also effective in case of indigestion.
Seeds for canaries and exotic and native birds.
Common names:
Cardère sauvage, Cabaret des oiseaux, Lavoir-de-Venus, Peigne-à-Loup [Fr], Grote kaardebol [Nl], Wilde Karde [De], Cardo dei lanaioli, Scardaccione selvatico [ Il], Cardencha, Cardo de cardador [Es].
Camelina seeds contain vitamins (vitamin E) and minerals (magnesium, zinc) that contribute to the proper functioning of the body and the maintenance of health.
They're rich in omega-3 fatty acids, healthy fats that support heart health, reduce inflammation, and promote healthy brain function.
Hemp seeds are highly nutritious and contain more essential fatty acids (EFAs) than any other source and are in second place, after soya, for their richness in highly digestible proteins, of high biological value. They are particularly recommended during the breeding seasons in order to stimulate the reproductive instinct of birds.
Onion seeds are rich in minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.
The canary seed is a grass, an annual plant up to 1m tall, the seeds being found in the inflorescences. These seeds represent a significant fraction of the majority of bird mixtures.
• Excellent for canaries, European and exotic birds, wavy parakeets and large parakeets.
• EXTRA canary seed has undergone extra cleaning and is of exceptional quality. Unique on the market!
The peeled oats from Versele-Laga are a high-quality food primarily intended for birds. Offered in a 25 kg bag, these peeled oats are ideal for bird enthusiasts wishing to provide a nutritious and natural diet to their birds.
Peeled oats are rich in essential nutrients for birds.