Peeled peanuts are very popular treats for parrots.
They are to be distributed sparingly because they are rich.
Ideal food to fill your wild bird dispensers, they will bring the necessary fat to the birds to spend the winter more easily.
The favorite of chickadees and a real treat for many birds.
Peeled peanuts are very popular treats for parrots.
They are to be distributed sparingly because they are rich.
Ideal food to fill your wild bird dispensers, they will bring the necessary fat to the birds to spend the winter more easily.
The favorite of chickadees and a real treat for many birds.
Peeled peanuts are very popular treats for parrots.
They are to be distributed sparingly because they are rich.
Ideal food to fill your wild bird dispensers, they will bring the necessary fat to the birds to spend the winter more easily.
The favorite of chickadees and a real treat for many birds.
Radish seeds have antioxidant, detoxifying, draining, and decongestant properties.
Yellow millet is rich in vitamins and minerals and is an alkaline (non-acidic) cereal. It is part of the basic diet of parakeets, exotic birds and exotic doves.
Millet contains magnesium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, manganese, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) and vitamin B5.
Thanks to its small black or pretty electric blue seeds, the poppy is recognizable among thousands. A cousin of the poppy, the poppy is known for its content of good fats and micronutrients essential for the proper functioning of the body.
The flaxseed consists of 40 to 45% oil and 25% protein. Flaxseed preserves very well. It contains, in particular, two fatty acids with similar names (both derived from the word "lin"), linolenic acid (an omega-3) and linoleic acid.
The seed is used in animal feed, particularly for laying hens for which an increase in the omega-3 content of the eggs is desired.
Due to these properties, this seed aids digestion.
Niger, birdseed rich in phosphorus and calcium. Niger seeds (or nyjer seeds) are fine seeds rich in oil. They come from Guizotia abyssinica (also known as Guizotia oleiferous). The niger is highly prized by most birds, goldfinches and siskins love it.
The seed is mainly grown in India, Burma, Ethiopia and Nepal. Niger is an oilseed with a high fat content (38-43%) and protein content (23%). It provides quality food for all species of wild and forest birds, both in dry and sprouted form.
Niger is one of the few birdseeds with a good ratio of calcium to phosphorus.
The canary seed is a grass, an annual plant up to 1m tall, the seeds being found in the inflorescences. These seeds represent a significant fraction of the majority of bird mixtures.
• Excellent for canaries, European and exotic birds, wavy parakeets and large parakeets.
• EXTRA canary seed has undergone extra cleaning and is of exceptional quality. Unique on the market!
Buckwheat is a nutritious seed often included in the diet of cage and aviary birds.
- Appearance: Buckwheat is a triangular seed, light brown to greyish in colour, with a slightly rough shell.
Benefits for Birds:
- Balanced Nutrition: Buckwheat offers a combination of proteins, carbohydrates, and fibres, contributing to a balanced diet.
- Energy: The complex carbohydrates provide a sustainable source of energy for the birds' daily activities.
- Digestive System: The fibres promote good digestion and a healthy intestinal regulation.
- Proteins: The proteins in buckwheat support growth, reproduction, and the maintenance of muscle mass in birds.
Peeled sunflower seeds are suitable for your budgies and parrots but also for straight beaks that live in outdoor aviaries in winter.
Sunflower seed contains almost 40% fat, but also proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins B and E. We quantify on a sunflower seed nearly 600 Kcalories per 100 g.
It satisfies throughout the year, the needs of a wide variety of birds, including the smallest of them.
Sunflower seeds are a real treat for our birds who love them!
No waste, no waste! The garden stays clean!
High-quality seeds with high fat content
- With a high content of vitamin E, B9, B5, B6, B1, B2, B3, and vitamin K.
- It has antioxidant properties.
- Excellent energy contribution.
- Rich in calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, proteins, zinc, thiamine, pectin (cleanses the body).
Perilla Blanc seeds contain about 25% fat, 65% of which is omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid, a polyunsaturated fatty acid (AGPI): good fat!
Camelina seeds contain vitamins (vitamin E) and minerals (magnesium, zinc) that contribute to the proper functioning of the body and the maintenance of health.
They're rich in omega-3 fatty acids, healthy fats that support heart health, reduce inflammation, and promote healthy brain function.
Clover stimulates the immune system and slows down cellular ageing through its excellent antioxidant properties. Rich in vitamins B, C, E and provitamin A.
These seeds rich in fat and protein are especially appreciated by wild birds. They will attract sizerins, finches, goldfinches, black-capped, sparrows, mourning doves and a host of other birds to your garden. It is often used as a replacement for the shuttle, which is more expensive.
Millet is used in the diet of all birds: straight beaks and hooked beaks. In bunches, it's a treat they love.
Cluster millet has a good protein and carbohydrate content and also contains a large number of amino acids. Ideal for distracting your birds and thus avoiding pecking (feather pulling).
Peeled peanuts are very popular treats for parrots.
They are to be distributed sparingly because they are rich.
Ideal food to fill your wild bird dispensers, they will bring the necessary fat to the birds to spend the winter more easily.
The favorite of chickadees and a real treat for many birds.