Reference: 163303-1KG
The wild rose is a wild rose bush whose rose hips are consumed in autumn and are very rich in vitamin C.
The wild rose is a wild rose bush whose rose hips are consumed in autumn and are very rich in vitamin C.
The thistle-Marie seed has hepatoprotective properties. It is therefore excellent for our birds to avoid liver problems as a preventive measure.
Properties of Pine or Larix seeds.
Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antispasmodic,
Antiseptic, anti-infectious (pneumococci),
Decongestant of the small pelvis and prostate,
Expectorant, tonic for the respiratory organs.
Couscous is a hard grain semolina that is steamed until the small grains are obtained, which are then dried. Couscous is excellent for supplementing the feeding food of nestlings or adults. Wet the couscous with hot water, let it swell for a few minutes then add to the egg food (for 1 teaspoon of couscous plan 4-5 teaspoons of food), coloring, fruit.
Paddy Rice 20kg - Versele-Laga
Paddy rice seed or raw rice that is very suitable for exotic birds with strong beaks such as padda and birds of Asian origin. This seed is also appreciated by parakeets, parrots and exotic doves.
Cardi seed is rich in protein and linoleic acid, which helps lower cholesterol levels and therefore reduce heart disease. It is found in budgie and parrot mixes but also for native birds such as bullfinches.
Cardi seeds are high in fat. The amino acid proportions of the seed are very favourable, the arginine content is very high. The seed is low in lysine and methionine + cystine, while tryptophan is completely lacking.
Canary seed is a grass, an annual plant that can reach up to 1m in height, with seeds found in the inflorescences. These seeds make up a significant portion of most bird seed mixes.
• Excellent for canaries, European and exotic birds, budgerigars, and large parakeets.
• EXTRA canary seeds have undergone additional cleaning and are of exceptional quality. Unique on the market!
Chenopodium quinoa is an annual plant, one to two meters tall or more. The central stem is cylindrical at the collar and becomes more angular higher. It can be unique or have many ramifications, with a diameter ranging from one to eight centimeters and a height of 0.5 to 3 m, depending on the varieties and growing conditions such as seeding density or fertilization9. Its color is also very variable: uniformly green, green with purple or red streaks, or uniformly red.
Hemp seeds are highly nutritious and contain more essential fatty acids (EFAs) than any other source and are in second place, after soya, for their richness in highly digestible proteins, of high biological value. They are particularly recommended during the breeding seasons in order to stimulate the reproductive instinct of birds.
Common names:
Cardère sauvage, Cabaret des oiseaux, Lavoir-de-Venus, Peigne-à-Loup [Fr], Grote kaardebol [Nl], Wilde Karde [De], Cardo dei lanaioli, Scardaccione selvatico [ Il], Cardencha, Cardo de cardador [Es].
The green Pagima ensures the good health of your birds. Pagima green promotes the functioning of the intestines, thus ensuring better digestion. Pagima is also credited with a preventive action against inflammations of different types that threaten your birds, it is rich in vitamins and fiber, its smell is pleasant and its taste delicious.
The wild rose is a wild rose bush whose rose hips are consumed in autumn and are very rich in vitamin C.