Reference: 160504-1KG
Niger, birdseed rich in phosphorus and calcium. Niger seeds (or nyjer seeds) are fine seeds rich in oil. They come from Guizotia abyssinica (also known as Guizotia oleiferous). The niger is highly prized by most birds, goldfinches and siskins love it.
The seed is mainly grown in India, Burma, Ethiopia and Nepal. Niger is an oilseed with a high fat content (38-43%) and protein content (23%). It provides quality food for all species of wild and forest birds, both in dry and sprouted form.
Niger is one of the few birdseeds with a good ratio of calcium to phosphorus.
Niger, birdseed rich in phosphorus and calcium. Niger seeds (or nyjer seeds) are fine seeds rich in oil. They come from Guizotia abyssinica (also known as Guizotia oleiferous). The niger is highly prized by most birds, goldfinches and siskins love it.
The seed is mainly grown in India, Burma, Ethiopia and Nepal. Niger is an oilseed with a high fat content (38-43%) and protein content (23%). It provides quality food for all species of wild and forest birds, both in dry and sprouted form.
Niger is one of the few birdseeds with a good ratio of calcium to phosphorus.
Flaxseed is rich in omega 3, which is essential for the cardiovascular system.
Yellow millet is rich in vitamins and minerals and is an alkaline (non-acidic) cereal. It is part of the basic diet of parakeets, exotic birds and exotic doves.
Millet contains magnesium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, manganese, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) and vitamin B5.
Buckwheat is a seed that is very low in fat but rich in carbohydrates. This seed is ideal for feeding show finches and European birds.
The canary seed is a grass, an annual plant up to 1m tall, the seeds being found in the inflorescences. These seeds represent a significant fraction of the majority of bird mixtures.
• Excellent for canaries, European and exotic birds, wavy parakeets and large parakeets.
• EXTRA canary seed has undergone extra cleaning and is of exceptional quality. Unique on the market!
Millet contains magnesium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, manganese, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) and vitamin B5.
Dimensions: 20kg
Flaxseed is composed of 40 to 45% oil and 25% protein. Flaxseed keeps very well. In particular, it contains two fatty acids with similar names (and whose root is the word "flax"), linolenic acid (an omega 3) and linoleic acid.
The seed is used in animal feed, especially for laying hens whose omega 3 content is to be increased.
Through these properties, this seed promotes digestion.
Soya beans are an excellent source of iron, zinc, manganese, copper, selenium, potassium, vitamins, fibres, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and antioxidants; in short, they are an excellent dietary supplement.
Soya beans are often used in sprouting seed mixes.
Paddy Rice 20kg - Versele-Laga
Paddy rice seed or raw rice that is very suitable for exotic birds with strong beaks such as padda and birds of Asian origin. This seed is also appreciated by parakeets, parrots and exotic doves.
Striated sunflower is the basic seed of any parrot mixture. It is also used in mixtures for parakeets and exotic doves.
It is also the favorite food of your outdoor birds during the winter period! Ideal for feeding the birds in your garden.
Practical information for giving sunflower seeds to birds in your garden:
Remember to regularly clean the feeders of your outdoor birds so that diseases and bacteria do not thrive.
Also consider setting feeders high up to prevent predators (such as cats, foxes, etc.) from targeting birds when they are eating.
Thanks to its small black or pretty electric blue seeds, the poppy is recognizable among thousands. A cousin of the poppy, the poppy is known for its content of good fats and micronutrients essential for the proper functioning of the body.
Birds like to remove the shells from peanuts and then eat the peanuts. Peanuts are a source of energy, which is very important for the long winter months.
Unpeeled peanuts can be given to parrots as a treat.
The thistle-Marie seed has hepatoprotective properties. It is therefore excellent for our birds to avoid liver problems as a preventive measure.
Niger, birdseed rich in phosphorus and calcium. Niger seeds (or nyjer seeds) are fine seeds rich in oil. They come from Guizotia abyssinica (also known as Guizotia oleiferous). The niger is highly prized by most birds, goldfinches and siskins love it.
The seed is mainly grown in India, Burma, Ethiopia and Nepal. Niger is an oilseed with a high fat content (38-43%) and protein content (23%). It provides quality food for all species of wild and forest birds, both in dry and sprouted form.
Niger is one of the few birdseeds with a good ratio of calcium to phosphorus.