Reference: 103051200
High-quality seeds with high fat content
- With a high content of vitamin E, B9, B5, B6, B1, B2, B3, and vitamin K.
- It has antioxidant properties.
- Excellent energy contribution.
- Rich in calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, proteins, zinc, thiamine, pectin (cleanses the body).
Onion seeds are rich in minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.
The sunflower seed contains nearly 40% lipids, but also proteins, carbohydrates, and vitamins B and E. A sunflower seed contains approximately 600 kilocalories per 100 g.
It meets the needs of a wide variety of birds throughout the year, including the smallest among them.
Sunflower seeds are a real treat for our birds who love them!
Hemp seeds are highly nutritious and contain more essential fatty acids (EFAs) than any other source and are in second place, after soya, for their richness in highly digestible proteins, of high biological value. They are particularly recommended during the breeding seasons in order to stimulate the reproductive instinct of birds.
Clover stimulates the immune system and slows down cellular ageing through its excellent antioxidant properties. Rich in vitamins B, C, E and provitamin A.
Paddy rice seed or raw rice which is perfect for exotic big-beaked birds such as padda and birds of Asian descent. This seed is also appreciated by parakeets, parrots and exotic doves.
Chicory seeds (cichorium intybus) are among the health seeds that come from wild plants. These seeds are rich in fiber and minerals and allow intestinal balance.
They purify the body and are also effective in case of indigestion.
Seeds for canaries and exotic and native birds.
Niger seed is a bird seed rich in phosphorus and calcium.
Niger seeds (or nyjer seeds) are fine seeds rich in oil.
They come from Guizotia abyssinica (also called Oleiferous Guizotia).
Niger is very popular with most birds, goldfinches and tarins love it.
Niger is one of the few bird seeds with a good calcium/phosphorus ratio.
Flaxseed is rich in omega 3, which is essential for the cardiovascular system.
Pine seeds are a good source of Phosphorus, Magnesium, Zinc, Manganese, Copper, Iron, Vitamin E, K, B1, B2, B3, B9.
Chia is sage. It is an annual plant up to 1 m tall whose scientific name is Salvia hispanica.
The composition of chia seed closely resembles that of other mucilaginous seeds such as flaxseeds and psyllium. Unlike flaxseed, however, chia does not have anti-nutritional factors, factors that limit the use of flaxseed without prior hot treatment. Anti-nutritional factors are cyanogenic glycosides or linatins, inhibitors of vitamin B6 that prevent its action. Chia also has a much more pleasant taste than flaxseed and birds consume it more willingly.