Reference: 103089250
Camelina seeds contain vitamins (vitamin E) and minerals (magnesium, zinc) that contribute to the proper functioning of the body and the maintenance of health.
They're rich in omega-3 fatty acids, healthy fats that support heart health, reduce inflammation, and promote healthy brain function.
Spinach seeds contain vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B7, B9 and C, mineral salts and trace elements. Regular consumption helps to strengthen the feathers.
Cardi seed is rich in protein and linoleic acid, which helps lower cholesterol levels and therefore reduce heart disease. It is found in parakeet and parrot mixes but also in native birds such as bullfinches.
Cardi seeds are high in fat. The amino acid proportions of the seed are very favourable, the arginine content is very high. The seed is low in lysine and methionine + cystine, while tryptophan is completely lacking.
Common names:
Cardère sauvage, Cabaret des oiseaux, Lavoir-de-Venus, Peigne-à-Loup [Fr], Grote kaardebol [Nl], Wilde Karde [De], Cardo dei lanaioli, Scardaccione selvatico [ Il], Cardencha, Cardo de cardador [Es].
This seed from switchgrass is rich in protein (12.6%) it also contains 60% carbohydrates and less than 5% fat.
It is the richest variety of millet in protein. Japanese millet is recommended to all breeders of exotics, natives, parakeets, large parakeets.
Camelina seeds contain vitamins (vitamin E) and minerals (magnesium, zinc) that contribute to the proper functioning of the body and the maintenance of health.
They're rich in omega-3 fatty acids, healthy fats that support heart health, reduce inflammation, and promote healthy brain function.
Striated sunflower is the basic seed of any parrot mixture. It is also used in mixtures for parakeets and exotic doves.
It is also the favorite food of your outdoor birds during the winter period! Ideal for feeding the birds in your garden.
Practical information for giving sunflower seeds to birds in your garden:
Remember to regularly clean the feeders of your outdoor birds so that diseases and bacteria do not thrive.
Also consider setting feeders high up to prevent predators (such as cats, foxes, etc.) from targeting birds when they are eating.
They have the property of binding to minerals such as calcium, iron and zinc and making them less bioavailable.
Peeled sunflower seeds are suitable for your budgies and parrots but also for straight beaks that live in outdoor aviaries in winter.
Sunflower seed contains almost 40% fat, but also proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins B and E. We quantify on a sunflower seed nearly 600 Kcalories per 100 g.
It satisfies throughout the year, the needs of a wide variety of birds, including the smallest of them.
Sunflower seeds are a real treat for our birds who love them!
No waste, no waste! The garden stays clean!
Flaxseed is rich in omega 3, which is essential for the cardiovascular system.
Thanks to its small black or pretty electric blue seeds, the poppy is recognizable among thousands. A cousin of the poppy, the poppy is known for its content of good fats and micronutrients essential for the proper functioning of the body.