Reference: SCH29
The administration of electrolytes in racing pigeons has its origins in the practice of sport in humans. It is not always so easy to transpose human products to the animal world.
When playing sports, humans sweat and eliminate salts and electrolytes through their sweat glands. This is why athletes must compensate for this loss for rapid regeneration with the help of electrolyte input. In doing so, the balance is quickly restored.
The administration of electrolytes in racing pigeons has its origins in the practice of sport in humans. It is not always so easy to transpose human products to the animal world.
When playing sports, humans sweat and eliminate salts and electrolytes through their sweat glands. This is why athletes must compensate for this loss for rapid regeneration with the help of electrolyte input. In doing so, the balance is quickly restored.
However, those who want to transpose this principle to racing pigeons forget, however, that the latter do not have sweat glands! By the way, have you ever seen a carrier pigeon returning from a competition flight absolutely soaked?
If pigeons had sweat glands, after a very tiring flight, their plumage would certainly be wet and sticky due to sweating. However, pigeons do not fly well when their plumage is wet. Evolution responded by having the intelligence to simply omit sweat glands in pigeons.
It should also be noted that: during competition flights, racing pigeons suffer from protein (weight) losses and little electrolyte loss. The protein loss should be quickly compensated with highly dosed amino acids such as Med Tollyamin Forte or Tollisol Plus as well as high-quality animal proteins such as Immunol. It should be noted, however, that there is a relevant use of electrolytes in poultry, especially in hens that must lay eggs every day. In this area, the administration of electrolytes is essential.
In sedentary breeding youngsters that for several years perform one, two, three or more clutches each year and raise young, the administration of electrolytes would also be extremely relevant. This would prevent the depletion and malnutrition of some breeding pigeons, since the breeding pigeon compensates for the lack of electrolytes during the egg formation phase by depleting the mineral salt reserves of its own bone structure. This is how nature has planned it to protect the egg from a deficit. Nature could not foresee that breeders of breeding pigeons would build facilities that would turn breeding pigeons into laying machines, almost like chickens.
For this reason, our new special blend has a dosage 30 times higher than traditional electrolyte blends. Administration of Electrolyt-Balance avoids watery droppings in young pigeons that often occur during the second litter. You have certainly already observed how watery droppings can be in young pigeons in the nest. These aqueous droppings are usually the result of an imbalance in the electrolytes.
Blitz-Maxi-Kraft pills are a combination of natural amino acids, pollen, and anise. The importance of Blitz-Maxi-Kraft lies in the special treatment, as the combination remains active for several hours after administration.
K + K Protein 3000 is a concentrate of easily digestible proteins based on animal and vegetable proteins with a crude protein content of 65%. In addition to muscle development, K+K Protein 3000 promotes digestion thanks to the siliceous and healing earth it contains.
Muscle building.
Immune support.
Curol 500ml - Health oil for pigeons - Comed
Curol is a health oil carefully formulated with a unique blend of natural active aromas and essential fatty acids that support the health and performance of your pigeons at every stage of their life. It contains a balanced ratio of omega 3-6-9 fatty acids. It strengthens the immune system, promotes a shiny plumage, helps in cases of stress, and contributes to increased energy production.
Breeding promotion, exhibition/competition, extra energy.
Dr. Brockamp - C-M-K 500ml
To improve muscle strength, for the prevention of muscle cramps and pain.
Before the season: 10 ml CMK in 1 litre of water as a cure for approximately 7 days.
Electrolyte 3Plus is an excellent combination of electrolytes that allows for rapid normalisation of body fluids due to moisture loss. Electrolyte 3Plus should generally be given after significant exertion. It is water-soluble and is administered in drinking water during moulting and breeding, as well as after competitive flights to compensate for electrolyte loss. Electrolyte 3Plus helps maintain fluid balance and significantly reduces the recovery period. The magnesium and potassium contained are important for muscle and heart function.
Myobol is suitable for young to create more muscle volume during breeding, from hatching to exiting the nest. The plumage is well developed and the production of sebum is optimal. In addition, parents will benefit, during the breeding period and certainly during the third round. It is recommended in combination with Fertibol which ensures well-formed eggs and a solid skeleton.
Because of its beneficial effect on muscle development, it is extremely suitable for preparing or recovering after heavy flight.
Breeding promotion, exhibition/competition, extra energy.
The administration of electrolytes in racing pigeons has its origins in the practice of sport in humans. It is not always so easy to transpose human products to the animal world.
When playing sports, humans sweat and eliminate salts and electrolytes through their sweat glands. This is why athletes must compensate for this loss for rapid regeneration with the help of electrolyte input. In doing so, the balance is quickly restored.