How to use:
Open the bait box with the key provided. Place bait such as peanut butter or chocolate in the bait holder of the tongs. Close the bait box first, then pull the strap to the trap. Place the bait box where you found rat tracks, preferably near a wall. Check the bait box daily. If a mouse is caught, open the box with the wrench and push the clamp back to remove the mouse. This can be done without touching the rat. Replace the bait and use the bait box again if necessary.
Open the bait box with the key provided. Place bait such as peanut butter or chocolate in the bait holder of the tongs. Close the bait box first, then pull the strap to the trap. Place the bait box where you found rat tracks, preferably near a wall. Check the bait box daily. If a mouse is caught, open the box with the wrench and push the clamp back to remove the mouse. This can be done without touching the rat. Replace the bait and use the bait box again if necessary.
Use biocides and plant protection products with care. Before use, read the label and product information, as well as the appropriate risk phrases and symbols.