Reference: 74009/194
The product ensures better recovery after the contest. Electrolytes allow faster pigeons recovery, so that the shape of the pigeons is maintained.
Directions for use:
The product ensures better recovery after the contest. Electrolytes allow faster pigeons recovery, so that the shape of the pigeons is maintained.
1 spoon of measure about 1.5 litres of water. Administer the day of arrival and day of inbound.
Galaxy is a powder composed of essential oils based on silica and green clay.
• thyme ET : even works inside the airways.
• Oregano HE: strengthens immunity and resistance.
• Cinnamon HE: effect on digestion.
• Green clay: cleanses the body thoroughly.
Other essential oils (single formula)
the Galaxy is a revolutionary product in the world of birds and pigeons. It is a mixture of essential oils based on green clay. Each essential oil has a very specific action and the product therefore has a very wide range of action.
The addition of Quick (Iodine and iron) allows you to improve the performance of pigeons and ensures good thyroid function. This has a positive effect on endurance thanks to the combination of iodine with iron.
The combination with Dosto-Oregano liquid 12% allows to achieve breathtaking results with pigeons, especially in the young.
Young people who have received Quick and Dosto-Oregano liquid 12% are resplendent with health and feel bloated.
This combination plays a role in disease resistance.
You can also add Quick and Dosto-Oregano to the food.
Feeder mounted on a swivel tray for feeding birds from outside the aviary. No need to enter the aviary to feed the birds. It is a time saver, but also a safety to avoid leaks and stress of birds.
The tray has a locking system. Safety prevents birds from overturning bowls.
Shelters and garages are - unfortunately - the preferred habitats for rats and mice. FRAP Wheat Tech Garages & Shelters is the solution you have been looking for! The ready-to-use grain bait is prepackaged in pre-dosed sachets of 25 grams. The bags are porous, which optimizes the diffusion of the attractive perfume for maximum efficiency.
This grain bait is made with specially bred wheat and is extremely attractive to rats and mice. The active ingredient is located in the heart of the grain (by Turbo Impregnation), which means that this unique bait gives ultra fast results since it is fatal after 1 single absorption!
Description Comments shipping and return
Ropa-B Liquid 10% can be administered all year round. Supplement for animals, made from natural oregano essential oils.
Combining products: The Ropa-B Liquid 10% can also be combined with other products (non-Ropa-B). If you wish to administer the Ropa-B Liquid 10% at the same time as the Ropa-B 2% food oil, you should halve the quantity of each product.
Usage: 1.5ml/litre of drink, for 3 to 4 days per week.
If necessary: up to 3ml/litre of drink, for 4 to 5 days, then return to normal usage.
Dr. Brockamp - C-M-K 500ml
To improve muscle strength, for the prevention of muscle cramps and pain.
Before the season: 10 ml CMK in 1 litre of water as a cure for approximately 7 days.
Vitamin compound for feather formation for all birds
NEKTON-Bio supports a smooth moulting process and feather regeneration.
NEKTON-Bio contains all the vitamins, amino acids, minerals, trace elements, and 200,000 g biotin/kg.
NEKTON-Bio gives birds smooth and shiny plumage. The majority of feather damage that occurs when keeping birds can be attributed exclusively to malnutrition. Because plumage is composed of protein-rich substances, a particularly rich and balanced protein diet for the bird is a prerequisite for forming immaculate plumage.
Extra iron.
Special formula based on absorbable iron.
Provides the animal with an iron supplement.
Accelerates the recovery of the pigeon after strong performances and especially supports the youngsters.
After administration of Hemoglobal, the manure is dark in colour.