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Reference: 280450
Against mold in seeds and seeds.
Dosage: 1g of Monoprop in 1kg of seeds.
VEGA POWDER is a hyper-concentrated complex of vitamins, amino acids, trace elements and mineral salts. It is used during breeding, moulting or competitions at a rate of 15gr per kilo of seeds (to be mixed with PREMIUM OIL) or 30g per kilo of pie (mix with METABOLYT).
VEGA POWDER will give vitality and will also improve appetite. Ideal also after a course of antibiotics.
Oropharma Oro-Digest is an intestinal conditioner. This product prevents the adhesion of pathogenic bacteria in the intestine, improves the consistency of droppings, promotes hygiene in nests, and prevents the small feathers of the cloaca from sticking together. In the digestive tract of birds, there are bacteria essential for good digestion. These good bacteria predominate in healthy birds. If pathogenic bacteria predominate, the bird will have liquid droppings leading to significant loss of water and electrolytes. The administration of antibiotics will eliminate both the good and the bad bacteria.
Combating the black spot in nestlings.
It is important to take action with the breeders:
1) by strengthening the immune system,
2) by targeting intestinal pathogenic bacteria.
Instructions for use:
30-40 g (3-4 spoonfuls) per kg of feed during the chick feeding period and for 5-7 days
once a month throughout the year for all breeders.
Food acidifier: prevents the formation of mould and the proliferation of bacteria. Ideal for sprouting seeds.
Stops the development of mycotoxins. Helps prevent blackheads.
Administer Tonivit during periods of low light.
Tonivit contains vitamins A and D. These vitamins are important for skeletal formation, and vitamin C helps young birds resist infections.
Instructions for use:
1 teaspoon (5ml) per 0.5 litre of water or per 250g of food, 2 times a week.
During breeding: 2 to 3 days a week.
Never during the moulting period!
Roni is a product developed for the health of the mucous membranes of the beak, throat, and digestive system. It works by depositing a mucous layer of specific carbohydrates.
This combination creates an alert immune system and ensures good digestion.
The composition, as shown by scientific studies, nourishes the good intestinal flora and reduces harmful germs.
It is a particularly active intestinal conditioner and the ideal complement for Cometose.
Very high-quality liquid calcium.
Can be mixed with water or on food.
Dosage: 15ml per litre or 30ml per kilo of seeds or pâtée.
Vega is the most complete and balanced vitamin complex on the market. It contains no less than 10 vitamins, 15 amino acids, 5 electrolytes, 3 trace elements and 4 organic acids making 37 different elements! These elements are mostly highly dosed and by giving it regularly, you will avoid any deficiency to your birds. This is the ideal complex because it contains a lot of vitamin B (carbohydrates), amino acids (muscles) and even electrolytes to avoid dehydration.
Nekton MSA 400g
A highly effective mineral compound for amphibians, reptiles, and pet birds
NEKTON-MSA is a high-quality mineral mix supplemented with vitamin D3, major/trace elements, and amino acids.
NEKTON-MSA supports and nourishes metabolism and bones, prevents rickets, activates mineral conversion, and helps to compensate for damage caused by a calcium deficiency.
NEKTON-MSA meets the increasing need for minerals in breeding, protects against malabsorption, increases defence against infection, and prevents fragile eggs in birds.
Against mold in seeds and seeds.
Dosage: 1g of Monoprop in 1kg of seeds.