Reference: 38101/10046
Murol is a supplement containing aromatics to support the specific metabolism of moulting.
Meets the high energy needs during moulting.
Instructions for use: Since a bird is always moulting, Murol (Moulting Oil) can be given all year round. The bird will then always have beautiful, shiny plumage. Dosage: 1 teaspoon (5ml) per 250g of food, every day during the moulting period. Can be combined with Murium.
Murol is a supplement containing aromas to support the specific metabolism of moulting.
Responds to the great need for energy during moulting.
How to use it: Since a bird is still moulting, Murol (Mue Oil) can be given all year round. The bird will always have a beautiful shiny plumage. Dosage: 1 teaspoon (5ml) per 250g of food, each day during the moulting period. Can be combined with It's Murium.
Bath salt with the addition of natural Eucalyptus essential oils
Gives feathers a natural and healthy shine.
Promotes the fall of down and removes dandruff from the skin.
Relaxes muscles.
Yel-Lux 500g
Oropharma Yel-Lux is a natural yellow dye based on lutein. This dietary supplement intensifies the yellow colour of the plumage and increases resistance. Since feathers are made of dead cells and are therefore not nourished through metabolism, they develop their colour during their formation. The plumage is renewed on average once a year. This process does not occur all at once. The shedding of old feathers is stimulated by the formation of new ones, and this happens gradually, so that the bird always maintains a complete plumage.
Good for the plumage and the digestive system.
Instructions for use:
Mix into the mash or seeds.
Lysine, propylene glycol, sorbitol, magnesium, plant extracts
Supplement for molting
Antibacterial, antiviral, fungicide, anti-coccidiosis, it promotes digestion and clears the respiratory tract, purifies the blood, etc.
This blend has already proven itself with fantastic results. A dozen breeders tested the product before it went on sale.
The first findings were as follows: many down feathers, super droppings, whiter noses, pigeons are soft as silk and run well. All testers without exception are very satisfied.
Good for plumage and the digestive system.
Instructions for use:
Mix into the feed or seeds.
PIGMENT is a natural plant-based product. Plant extracts contribute to the creation of pigment cells on feathers and horn parts, as well as the intensification of melanin pigments in melanin canaries, lizards, and carduelis...
It also stimulates the metabolism and digestion of birds.
During the moulting and exhibition period:
2 ml per 1 litre of drinking water, 4 - 5 times a week, otherwise 3 - 4 times a week.
Shake well before administration.
Composition: Extracts of knotweed and spirulina.
Contains all important essential nutrients, such as vitamins, amino acids, minerals and trace elements.
For Condition, Improvement of fertilization and Feather Quality.
Instructions for use:
2 x per week 5 g Probac Energy (on 1 kg of feed for about 25 pigeons per day)
This complementary food should not exceed 0.2% of pure food per day due to the higher levels of vitamin D3 and trace elements in this product. Store in a cool, dry place at about 20°C.
Best Brown intensifies the brown color (eu-feomelanine) present in the plumage of the canary feo, pastelle and opal. Intensifies the brown color in the plumage.
Oropharma No-Pick is a spray with a bitter taste against feather pecking. This product protects young birds from pecking by their parents and helps to prevent pecking and self-mutilation. The phenomenon of pecking in your birds can have many origins. However, it is important to differentiate between, on the one hand, pecking done by parents on young birds and, on the other hand, pecking of their own feathers, a problem that is especially observed in adult psittacines.
Murol is a supplement containing aromatics to support the specific metabolism of moulting.
Meets the high energy needs during moulting.
Instructions for use: Since a bird is always moulting, Murol (Moulting Oil) can be given all year round. The bird will then always have beautiful, shiny plumage. Dosage: 1 teaspoon (5ml) per 250g of food, every day during the moulting period. Can be combined with Murium.