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Propolis (20%), honey and royal jelly. Rich in vitamins, minerals and simple sugars. Promotes proper loss of down, digestion, energy, helps the accumulation of immunity in young people.
15 ml / 1 kg of grains.
Propolis (20%), honey and royal jelly. Rich in vitamins, minerals and simple sugars. Promotes proper loss of down, digestion, energy, helps the accumulation of immunity in young people.
15 ml / 1 kg of grains.
Complementary food for professional ornithology.
The multi-complex formula acts on several important metabolic factors in the pre- and post-reproductive phases.
It prepares birds in the best possible way for the hormonal change of spring, supports the immune system, contains female phytoestrogens, promotes a correct and constant flow of testosterone in the blood, keeps the elements necessary for the body stable for greater egg production and more. bioavailability (27% more in experiments with laying hens).
Bio Energy Booster is composed of carefully selected electrolytes and probiotics. This specially designed formula can provide more energy and increase resistance to stress. The composition also contains a vitamin C supplement.
Electrolytes are important salts in the body. They are necessary for the maintenance of fluids and must be recharged after certain efforts.
The probiotics Bacillus Velezensis and Pediococcus Acidilactici suppress the growth of microbial pathogens, including bacteria, fungi and nematodes.
Pediococcus Acidilactici also produces lactic acid, which promotes the absorption of calcium and iron.
Compound for optimal health of your birds. Herbamix has been specially developed for all breeds of birds. You will get very good breeding results by using Herbamix.
Only plant leaves are used. Not the stems. By using only the leaves, the mixture becomes of very strong quality and you will see this in the result of your breeding.
Herbamix is a very pure herbal blend without salts or other harmful substances. It can be used all year round
to keep your animals in perfect condition.
Secondary herbal substances promote the overall good health of birds and the detoxification of the bird's body. It has positive effects on digestion and boosts metabolism
After several years of research, Red Animals is proud to present the quintessence of its range with the release of its brand new product, GOLDEN TONIC.
GOLD TONIC is truly a revolutionary product with huge potential. All the tests carried out had sensational results.
GOLD TONIC is a unique combination of plant extracts combined with organic acids and is also intended for pigeons, birds and poultry!
The primary goal of GOLDEN TONIC is to work on strengthening immunity with a great improvement in intestinal and respiratory health.
Roni is a product developed for the health of the mucous membranes of the beak, throat and digestive system. It acts by depositing a mucous membrane of particular carbohydrates.
This combination creates an alert immune system and ensures proper digestion.
The composition, as scientific studies show, nourishes the good intestinal flora and reduces bad germs.
It is a particularly active intestinal conditioner and the ideal supplement for Cometosis.
Probi-plus 200g - Prebiotics and Probiotics.
Increases benign culture and intestinal flora.
Ensures better digestion and stimulates the intestinal flora of young birds.
After antibiotic treatment.
3g/L of drinking water or 6g/kg of feed.
Preventive: for 2 days/week.
Flat manure or after antibiotic treatment: for 5 to 7 days.
Update daily:
Can be combined with other supplements (vitamins).
Compound for optimal health of your birds. Herbamix has been specially developed for all breeds of birds. You will get very good breeding results by using Herbamix.
Only plant leaves are used. Not the stems. By using only the leaves, the mixture becomes of very strong quality and you will see this in the result of your breeding.
Herbamix is a very pure herbal blend without salts or other harmful substances. It can be used all year round
to keep your animals in perfect condition.
Secondary herbal substances promote the overall good health of birds and the detoxification of the bird's body. It has positive effects on digestion and boosts metabolism
Quiko Med powder is a natural product that does not produce any side effects.
This powder has a bactericidal, occidocidal, and fungicidal effect. Quiko Med is not an antibiotic.
Quiko Med destroys resistant bacteria and contributes to a healthy immune system.
Can be used preventatively or curatively.
Instructions for use:
To be administered preferably in the mash or in the food.
Preventative: 3 g per kilo of mash, once a week.
Curative: 3 g per kilo of mash for 5/6 consecutive days, then once a week.
Antibacterial, antiviral, fungicide, anti-coccidiosis, it promotes digestion and clears the respiratory tract, purifies the blood, etc.
This blend has already proven itself with fantastic results. A dozen breeders tested the product before it went on sale.
The first findings were as follows: many down feathers, super droppings, whiter noses, pigeons are soft as silk and run well. All testers without exception are very satisfied.
Propolis (20%), honey and royal jelly. Rich in vitamins, minerals and simple sugars. Promotes proper loss of down, digestion, energy, helps the accumulation of immunity in young people.
15 ml / 1 kg of grains.