Reference: MRG-1KG
Millet is used in the diet of all birds: straight beaks and hooked beaks. In bunches, it's a treat they love.
Cluster millet has a good protein and carbohydrate content and also contains a large number of amino acids. Ideal for distracting your birds and thus avoiding pecking (feather pulling).
We advised giving red millet for exotic birds. It is richer in protein than yellow millet.
Millet is used in the diet of all birds: straight beaks and hooked beaks. In bunches, it's a treat they love.
Cluster millet has a good protein and carbohydrate content and also contains a large number of amino acids. Ideal for distracting your birds and thus avoiding pecking (feather pulling).
We advised giving red millet for exotic birds. It is richer in protein than yellow millet.
Delicious and balanced food.
Full of nutritious seeds.
Carrot and spinach seeds.
Promotes general health.
Suitable for birds.
Dari, also known as sorghum, millet, is a variety of seeds that is attached to millet varieties. The dari has the size of the hemp seed. The seed is native to the warm regions of Australia, Asia, Africa and South America. There are three varieties: white, yellow and red-brown dari. It should be noted that light dari is given more value than red-brown dari. As far as the food value in particular is concerned, there is not the slightest difference. In addition, the red-brown dari is well appreciated by agapornis. Dari can be compared to wheat in terms of starch content. The seed has a favorable composition of amino acids. The protein present in the dari has a particularly high leucine content.
Scientifically justified composition with all the nutrients your birds need. Completely consumable, no food loss.
Based on selected seeds, fruits and peanuts.
Contains Florastimul®: supports the intestinal flora and protects against intestinal disorders.
Recommended by veterinarians and used worldwide by ornithological parks and champion breeders.
Nutrient mixture containing a large percentage of different kinds of fruit (pineapple, papaya, grapes, etc.).
Mix with 24% sunflower seeds, ideal for most parrot species.
Very rich blend of more than 25 ingredients.
No but and no peanuts.
Enriched with extruded granules.
The sunflower seed contains nearly 40% lipids, but also proteins, carbohydrates, and vitamins B and E. A sunflower seed contains approximately 600 kilocalories per 100 g.
It meets the needs of a wide variety of birds throughout the year, including the smallest among them.
Sunflower seeds are a real treat for our birds who love them!
Fatty egg pie for birds
Fatty egg pie is a ready-to-use egg pie for all bird species. An egg pie is the perfect addition to your birds' daily ration and provides your birds with the necessary proteins, vitamins and minerals. Egg pie can be given directly, but can also be mixed with other kinds of food.
Millet is used in the diet of all birds: straight beaks and hooked beaks. In bunches, it's a treat they love.
Cluster millet has a good protein and carbohydrate content and also contains a large number of amino acids. Ideal for distracting your birds and thus avoiding pecking (feather pulling).
Frozen day-old chicks. Ideal for feeding your raptors.
Maintenance feed for large parakeets - multicolor
Scientifically justified composition with all the nutrients your birds need. Completely consumable, no food loss.
Based on selected seeds, fruits and peanuts.
Contains Florastimul®: supports the intestinal flora and protects against intestinal disorders.
Recommended by veterinarians and used worldwide by ornithological parks and champion breeders.
Complete feed for all insectivores
Complete food balanced with a lot of animal protein and minimum 50% insects.
High nutritional value and very good assimilation.
Has a high level of animal protein and therefore forms an ideal supplement for native and exotic birds as well as for all large parakeets and parrots.
Is ideal for keeping and breeding quail, partridges and wading birds.
87 - Goldfinches Extra Is a light mixture with some fatter seeds such as Black Sunflower. Suitable for small and large goldfinches.
The diversity of special seeds and the high content of white perilla, make this mixture unique in its field.
Millet is used in the diet of all birds: straight beaks and hooked beaks. In bunches, it's a treat they love.
Cluster millet has a good protein and carbohydrate content and also contains a large number of amino acids. Ideal for distracting your birds and thus avoiding pecking (feather pulling).
We advised giving red millet for exotic birds. It is richer in protein than yellow millet.