Reference: 99752
Wheat germ oil 1L - Wheat germ oil + vit E - Enriched with Vitamin E - Comed
Rich in vitamin E, wheat germ oil is ideal during the reproduction period.
Wheat germ oil is a quality oil from Comed that has opted for a cold process.
Wheat germ oil is obtained by solvent extraction. This cold process avoids heat and pressure so that all the important components (minerals and vitamins) remain intact.
An oil prepared by this cold process is of excellent quality as it retains all its potency and vitality.
Wheat Germ Oil 1L - Wheat germ oil + vit E - Enriched with Vitamin E - Comed
Rich in vitamin E, wheat germ oil is ideal during the breeding period.
Wheat germ oil is a quality oil from Comed that has chosen a cold process.
Wheat germ oil is obtained by solvent extraction. This cold process avoids heat and pressure so that all important components (minerals and vitamins) remain intact.
An oil prepared by this cold process has excellent quality because it retains all its potency and vitality.
The advantages of the cold process:
• An optimal base for 100% pure oil.
• An increase in shelf life and greater efficiency.
The use of dark-coloured oil is not recommended. It has been heated by compression and undergoes oxidation (rancidity).
Instructions for use:
15 ml (1 tablespoon) per kg of food.
Keep cool.
Complete food for all Tarins. Can be used all year round.
This complete feed can replace seeds.
Preparation & Cultivation
This mixture is specially tuned with herbs for the health of the bird, but also to give it in the right condition and the right vitamins, amino acids, etc. before and during breeding. This blend contains 40 herbs.
Ideal composition for perfect breeding. This vitamin complex, specially designed for breeding, should be fed from 14 days before mating. They can be fed during brooding, rearing and to the young up to 1 month after weaning. Not only does this product ensure good fertilization and egg-laying, but also good development of the young.
Oropharma Ferti-Vit is a balanced mix of vitamins, amino acids, and trace elements, enriched with vitamin E. To be used during breeding preparation, for singing in canaries and finches, and in cases of laying, fertility, or egg mortality problems. Ferti-Vit stimulates sexual vitality and promotes fertility. During the breeding period, a bird needs an optimal complex of vitamins, amino acids, and trace elements. The essential vitamin E, also known as the fertility vitamin, is a powerful antioxidant. The combination of Ferti-Vit's components is not only ideal for breeding, but it also increases resistance to diseases and helps protect heart and muscle tissues.
SPIRULINA 250g - Easyyem
The spirulina genus is often associated with blue-green algae, which are rich in cyanobacteria proteins and make it resemble very dark green algae.
They are consumed not only by animals but also by humans. Spirulina powder contains many essential amino acids, is rich in chlorophyll and natural beta-carotene, and minerals (minerals and trace elements), and there are other secondary plant substances.
Therefore, positive effects on the immune system and immune status are expected, which is particularly important for young animals.
Breeding promotion, exhibition/competition, extra energy.
Complementary food for professional ornithology.
The multi-complex formula acts on several important metabolic factors in the pre- and post-reproductive phases.
It prepares birds in the best possible way for the hormonal change of spring, supports the immune system, contains female phytoestrogens, promotes a correct and constant flow of testosterone in the blood, keeps the elements necessary for the body stable for greater egg production and more. bioavailability (27% more in experiments with laying hens).
Vit E + Sel 100ml
Vitamin E + Selenium Supplement
For animals deficient in vitamin E + selenium. Recommended in cases of nervous symptoms.
The mixture of vitamin E and selenium improves the performance of breeding birds.
Improves fertility and singing.
Wheat germ oil 1L - Wheat germ oil + vit E - Enriched with Vitamin E - Comed
Rich in vitamin E, wheat germ oil is ideal during the reproduction period.
Wheat germ oil is a quality oil from Comed that has opted for a cold process.
Wheat germ oil is obtained by solvent extraction. This cold process avoids heat and pressure so that all the important components (minerals and vitamins) remain intact.
An oil prepared by this cold process is of excellent quality as it retains all its potency and vitality.