Reference: 79126v2/11497
Taubenfit E50 is intended to provide breeding birds with the necessary amount of vitamin E. Especially in combination with selenium, vitamin E has a beneficial influence on fertility, hatching rate, education, muscle structure and flight performance. In addition, selenium has a positive effect on the immune system. Vitamin E is known as an antioxidant; it protects unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin A, and cells from the damaging effects of free radicals.
Taubenfit E50 is intended to provide breeding birds with the necessary amount of vitamin E. Especially in combination with selenium, vitamin E has a beneficial influence on fertility, hatching rate, education, muscle structure and flight performance. In addition, selenium has a positive effect on the immune system. Vitamin E is known as an antioxidant; it protects unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin A, and cells from the damaging effects of free radicals.
How to use:
1 screw cap (5 ml) per litre of drinking water if increased performance is required.
Breeding birds: provide 5 ml per litre of drinking water five consecutive days before mating and before the next lay.
Carrier pigeons: during flights, provide 5 ml in 1 litre of drinking water or 10 ml mixed in 1 kg of food 2 to 3 times
A week.
Conservation: Store in a dark place and do not store above +25°C!
The unique properties of spirulina are the combination of its different components and their ability to work together. Natural spirulina enhances feather colouring, improves feather structure, increases resilience, and reduces the possibility of deficiency. Spirulina strengthens the immune system, maintains the natural balance of the gut, and is particularly effective during the breeding season.
Wheat germ oil 1L - Wheat germ oil + vit E - Enriched with Vitamin E - Comed
Rich in vitamin E, wheat germ oil is ideal during the reproduction period.
Wheat germ oil is a quality oil from Comed that has opted for a cold process.
Wheat germ oil is obtained by solvent extraction. This cold process avoids heat and pressure so that all the important components (minerals and vitamins) remain intact.
An oil prepared by this cold process is of excellent quality as it retains all its potency and vitality.
Breeding promotion, exhibition/competition, extra energy.
All-in-one premix for young birds.
Vitamin E is a preparation specially designed for fertilisation and breeding. Vitamin E has a powerful effect.
Instructions for use: 1 teaspoon of Quiko vitamin E 3 times a week per 1 litre of drinking water.
Store in a cool, dry place.
Bee pollen is a complete food because it contains proteins, vitamins, fats, the 8 essential amino acids, enzymes, antioxidants, fiber, carbohydrates, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, manganese, silicon, copper, iron, zinc, sodium, chromium, calcium. , all of which can be immediately assimilated by the body.
It is therefore easy to understand why bee pollen is considered a "natural antibiotic": it fights vitamin deficiencies, strengthens the immune system, has antioxidant properties and fights free radicals, stimulates metabolism, is beneficial for the intestinal flora.
Wheat germ oil 250ml - Wheat germ oil + vit E - Enriched with Vitamin E - Comed
Rich in vitamin E, wheat germ oil is ideal during the breeding period.
Wheat germ oil is a quality oil from Comed that has opted for a cold process.
Wheat germ oil is obtained through solvent extraction. This cold process avoids heat and pressure so that all important components (minerals and vitamins) remain intact.
An oil prepared by this cold process has excellent quality as it retains all its potency and vitality.
Preparation & Cultivation
This mixture is specially tuned with herbs for the health of the bird, but also to give it in the right condition and the right vitamins, amino acids, etc. before and during breeding. This blend contains 40 herbs.
the PURIFIX is composed of a wide variety of plants including Vaccinium, Trigonella, Turmeric and Astragalus.
• Vaccinium: purifying and beneficial action for joints
• Trigonella: improves digestion.
• turmeric: anti-oxidant action, excellent against digestion problems.
• Astragalus: reinforces the general resistance.
Red Animals has developed a very high quality concentrated vitamin E - Selenium. The combination of vitamin E and Selenium has a powerful anti-oxidant effect that promotes fertility. It is given 6 to 7 days before mating and also twice a week during the growth of young. Compared to wheat germ oil, this product is much more concentrated in vitamin E.
Complete feed for all Siskins. Can be used all year round.
This complete food can replace seeds.
Particularly supports the health of ornamental birds and increases breeding results through the effective interaction of vitamins, amino acids, minerals and trace elements. The addition of enzymes makes it possible to obtain a better use of carbohydrates and thus increase the proportion of metabolizable energy.
Contains all important essential nutrients, such as vitamins, amino acids, minerals and trace elements.
For Condition, Improvement of fertilization and Feather Quality.
Instructions for use:
2 x per week 5 g Probac Energy (on 1 kg of feed for about 25 pigeons per day)
This complementary food should not exceed 0.2% of pure food per day due to the higher levels of vitamin D3 and trace elements in this product. Store in a cool, dry place at about 20°C.
Taubenfit E50 is intended to provide breeding birds with the necessary amount of vitamin E. Especially in combination with selenium, vitamin E has a beneficial influence on fertility, hatching rate, education, muscle structure and flight performance. In addition, selenium has a positive effect on the immune system. Vitamin E is known as an antioxidant; it protects unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin A, and cells from the damaging effects of free radicals.