- In the process of being restocked

Reference: TTCAILLE/87212611
Quail exhibition cage and PVC euphemies.
Dimensions: 41.5 x 20.5 x 30 cm.
White Border Display Cage Complete with two perches, two feeders, a fountain and a removable drawer.
Dimensions: 35.5 × 17.5 × 30cm.
Base frame for ART315 preparation cages.
Ideal for adapting the cage on the ART351 structure with paper rolls.
White drawer of 15 cm for canary, exotic and indigenous exhibition cage.
Dimension: 14 x 34 cm.
Indigenous exhibition cage 18 cm in PVC.
Dimensions: 36.5x18x30 cm.
No more sticking your label on your exhibition cage. Now you stick the label carefully on this label holder.
To remove the label? Put the label holder in the water and the label comes off!
The label holder is stuck under the storefront.
Approved by federations for exhibitions.
Transport bag for exhibition cage.
This transport bag can hold 4 exhibition cages of 15cm. (Canaries, Exotic, Indigenous,...)
Indigenous exhibition cage 15 cm in PVC.
Dimensions: 36.5x15x30 cm.
Castors for preparation cage structure (ART351 and ART352).
Dimensions: 50x13 cm.
White drawer of 18 cm for exhibition cage small parakeet.
Small parakeet exhibition cage.
Dimensions: 36.5x18x30 cm. (LxWxH)
Quail exhibition cage and PVC euphemies.
Dimensions: 41.5 x 20.5 x 30 cm.