Reference: 79105/11547
Entrobac is a dietary supplement for birds. It contains probiotic bacteria and special prebiotics necessary to best populate the intestinal flora. Entrobac is ideal for restoring intestinal flora during or after dietary changes, stress phases and treatments. The bacterial strain it contains is stable against many antibiotics. Entrobac is therefore perfectly suited to restore the intestine during and after antibiotic treatment. Entrobac promotes healthy gut flora, strengthens the immune system and suppresses harmful germs such as E. coli, salmonella and clostridia. Bacteria also produce metabolites that act against fungi.
Entrobac is a dietary supplement for birds. It contains probiotic bacteria and special prebiotics necessary to best populate the intestinal flora. Entrobac is ideal for restoring intestinal flora during or after dietary changes, stress phases and treatments. The bacterial strain it contains is stable against many antibiotics. Entrobac is therefore perfectly suited to restore the intestine during and after antibiotic treatment. Entrobac promotes healthy gut flora, strengthens the immune system and suppresses harmful germs such as E. coli, salmonella and clostridia. Bacteria also produce metabolites that act against fungi.
Instructions for use:
In general: 5 g (1 measuring spoon) per 1 kg of food or per 1 l of drinking water.
Racing season: 2 days after the flight.
Molting and breeding: 2 times a week.
Young pigeons: 2 days before and 2 days after each show flight and award flight.
After treatments: 10 g (2 measuring spoons) per kg of feed.
To restore the intestinal flora after treatments, always feed for several days in a row.
Can be combined with Avimycin and K+K Protein 3000.
After several years of research, Red Animals is proud to present the quintessence of its range with the release of its brand new product, GOLDEN TONIC.
GOLD TONIC is truly a revolutionary product with huge potential. All the tests carried out had sensational results.
GOLD TONIC is a unique combination of plant extracts combined with organic acids and is also intended for pigeons, birds and poultry!
The primary goal of GOLDEN TONIC is to work on strengthening immunity with a great improvement in intestinal and respiratory health.
the Bronx is made up of several plants including echinacea, eucalyptus and mint.
• Echinacea: excellent effect on the airways.
• Pimpinella anisum: greatly improves digestion.
• eucalyptus: acts on the airways.
• Mentha piperitta ET: very effective against mucus.
The unique properties of spirulina are the combination of its different components and their ability to work together. Natural spirulina enhances feather colouring, improves feather structure, increases resilience, and reduces the possibility of deficiency. Spirulina strengthens the immune system, maintains the natural balance of the gut, and is particularly effective during the breeding season.
Description Comments shipping and return
Ropa-B Liquid 10% can be administered all year round. Supplement for animals, made from natural oregano essential oils.
Combining products: The Ropa-B Liquid 10% can also be combined with other products (non-Ropa-B). If you wish to administer the Ropa-B Liquid 10% at the same time as the Ropa-B 2% food oil, you should halve the quantity of each product.
Usage: 1.5ml/litre of drink, for 3 to 4 days per week.
If necessary: up to 3ml/litre of drink, for 4 to 5 days, then return to normal usage.
Dietary supplement for ornamental birds
- PLANT contains several types of quality vegetables. It stimulates appetite and increases the consumption of the feed.
- PLANT keeps the feed fresh and moist. Its dietary fibres help to enhance the digestibility of the food. It contains no colourings or preservatives.
Usage: Add three or four doses of water to PLANT, let it swell, and mix with the egg-based supplement.
Composition: Broccoli, carrots, white cabbage, spinach, courgette, paprika.
Oropharma Oro-Digest is an intestinal conditioner. This product prevents the adhesion of pathogenic bacteria in the intestine, improves the consistency of droppings, promotes hygiene in nests, and prevents the small feathers of the cloaca from sticking together. In the digestive tract of birds, there are bacteria essential for good digestion. These good bacteria predominate in healthy birds. If pathogenic bacteria predominate, the bird will have liquid droppings leading to significant loss of water and electrolytes. The administration of antibiotics will eliminate both the good and the bad bacteria.
A complete basic initial preparation that contains all the necessary vitamins and trace elements for birds.
Winmix provides birds with all the necessary vitamins and trace elements for an active and harmonious life.
It contains essential proteins for good musculature and during the breeding season, plant fibres to balance digestion, and beneficial plant extracts advantageous to health.
Each component of Winmix is perfectly dosed, ensuring a balanced and coordinated action.
With Winmix, your birds are visibly more beautiful and vigorous, and this after just a few days of use!
Winmix keeps your birds in top form.
Compound for optimal health of your birds. Herbamix has been specially developed for all breeds of birds. You will get very good breeding results by using Herbamix.
Only plant leaves are used. Not the stems. By using only the leaves, the mixture becomes of very strong quality and you will see this in the result of your breeding.
Herbamix is a very pure herbal blend without salts or other harmful substances. It can be used all year round
to keep your animals in perfect condition.
Secondary herbal substances promote the overall good health of birds and the detoxification of the bird's body. It has positive effects on digestion and boosts metabolism
Compound for optimal health of your birds. Herbamix has been specially developed for all breeds of birds. You will get very good breeding results by using Herbamix.
Only plant leaves are used. Not the stems. By using only the leaves, the mixture becomes of very strong quality and you will see this in the result of your breeding.
Herbamix is a very pure herbal blend without salts or other harmful substances. It can be used all year round
to keep your animals in perfect condition.
Secondary herbal substances promote the overall good health of birds and the detoxification of the bird's body. It has positive effects on digestion and boosts metabolism
Entrobac is a dietary supplement for birds. It contains probiotic bacteria and special prebiotics necessary to best populate the intestinal flora. Entrobac is ideal for restoring intestinal flora during or after dietary changes, stress phases and treatments. The bacterial strain it contains is stable against many antibiotics. Entrobac is therefore perfectly suited to restore the intestine during and after antibiotic treatment. Entrobac promotes healthy gut flora, strengthens the immune system and suppresses harmful germs such as E. coli, salmonella and clostridia. Bacteria also produce metabolites that act against fungi.