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Reference: LAKTO250
Lakto 250g - Improves digestion
Encourages the recovery of the crop and intestinal flora. The product inhibits and eliminates pathogenic germs in the intestines. It also contributes to better digestion.
Stabilisers of intestinal flora:
Enterococcus faecium (E1705) 20.00 x10h9 CFU/kg
Composition: Sodium chloride, dextrose, fructo-oligosaccharides
Promotes the restoration of flora, crop and intestines. The product inhibits and evince pathogenic germs in the intestines. It also contributes to better digestion.
Avitestin is a mixture of butyric acid and short- and medium-chain fatty acids. It reduces the pH of drinking water and thus reduces the risk of infection with gram-positive bacteria. High-quality medium-chain fatty acids exert their effects far into the small intestine and promote gut health by promoting the growth of the body's own probiotics. The butyric acid it contains is active in the intestine, promotes the growth of villi and therefore improves immune defense. In addition, the acids ensure that the drinking water stays fresh longer and have a positive effect on the metabolism of pigeons.
Dietary supplement for ornamental birds. The secondary plant substances promote the overall health of birds and detoxification of the bird's body. It has positive effects on digestion and stimulates metabolism. It is also ideal as a preparation for herbal tea.
Usage: 2 tablespoons for 250 g of egg food.
Herbal tea preparation: 2 tablespoons for 500 ml of warm drinking water, cover and leave for 15 minutes. Then let it cool and serve pure.
Composition: Nettle, fennel, thlaspi herb, sage, yarrow herb, ribwort plantain herb, thyme, chickweed, wormwood.
Dosto Oregano oil 3% for food
As the name suggests, Dosto-Oregano oil 3% for food is intended to be served only via pigeon feed. This oil is not water-soluble! For pigeon fanciers who prefer to use the product with feed, Dosto-Oregano oil 3%for food is equipped with a modern dosing head is the optimal solution. Each pressure on the head gives 2 ml. I recommend as a normal dosage 5 ml on 1 kg of food.
Peat pecking for all birds.
Peat from pure peat soils, sterilized with steam. / Reduces stress and boredom and promotes tingling. / Can be enriched with sprouted seeds or wild seeds. Renew daily.
Promotes digestion and has a beneficial effect on the gastric and intestinal flora.
Stimulates pecking, so birds are more resistant to stressful situations and boredom.
Rich in minerals and trace elements.
METABOLYT is a highly concentrated yeast complex. It has an immediate effect on digestion and intestinal flora. In case of liquid droppings, even green and gooey, give for a few days in a row. The effect is radical.
METABOLYT puts a protective layer on the digestive system. These are directly evacuated by the body. If in rare cases the droppings become at first a little softer, it is because the product really cleanses the digestive system. After 1 or 2 days, these will become flawless again!
Oropharma Oro-Digest is an intestinal conditioner. This product prevents the adhesion of pathogenic bacteria in the intestine, improves the consistency of droppings, promotes hygiene in nests, and prevents the small feathers of the cloaca from sticking together. In the digestive tract of birds, there are bacteria essential for good digestion. These good bacteria predominate in healthy birds. If pathogenic bacteria predominate, the bird will have liquid droppings leading to significant loss of water and electrolytes. The administration of antibiotics will eliminate both the good and the bad bacteria.
All-in-one premix for young birds.
Purifies drinking water
Kills bacteria, viruses and fungi
Restores inflammation
Prevents mucus formation
Purifies the aerial organs
Petflox Pro10 offers every bird, from the youngest to the oldest, protected, healthy and active animal life. Petflox Pro10 is an organic, odorless, non-toxic complementary supplement and consists of a natural algae gel in which H2O2 is trapped. Petflox Pro10 is a patented product.
Prevents against salmonellosis, E-coli and blackhead.
COLI-SAL + BLACK SPOT is a natural medium-chain acid capable of causing cell death of Gram-positive bacteria such as Salmonella, E-Coli; and may carry Steptococcus spp and Staphylococcus spp under control.
The eubiotic 50g from Green Vet is a dietary supplement formulated for birds, designed to support their digestive and overall health.
Ideal for the intestines and liver.
Instructions for Use:
Usage: Mix 2-3 g (approximately 1/2 teaspoon) into 1 kg of mash.
If the mash is moistened, it should be used within one or two days.
Duration: Can be used daily or as a course during specific periods, especially during stress, recovery, or dietary changes.
Sovereign lactic ferments.
Pigeons, as pets or participants in competitions, require special attention to maintain their health and performance. Colman Laboratory presents its latest revolutionary product: Sovereign Lactic Ferments. This complementary feed is specially designed to support digestive health, boost immunity, and improve the overall performance of these fascinating birds.
Support of the Intestinal Flora
A healthy intestinal flora is essential for the health of pigeons. Sovereign Lactic Ferments provide vital support by balancing and maintaining this essential flora.
Megabactin Bird maintains the bird's intestinal balance. It ensures an optimal pH value during digestion.
It provides a normal consistency to the droppings. It regulates intestinal transit and leaves a protective film on the intestinal lining. It contains probiotics.
Lakto 250g - Improves digestion
Encourages the recovery of the crop and intestinal flora. The product inhibits and eliminates pathogenic germs in the intestines. It also contributes to better digestion.
Stabilisers of intestinal flora:
Enterococcus faecium (E1705) 20.00 x10h9 CFU/kg
Composition: Sodium chloride, dextrose, fructo-oligosaccharides