Reference: IZ313
BIOINTEGRA 1kg - GreenVet
Powdered food supplement based on natural yeasts, to be added to the feed.
Regulates digestive functions. It strengthens the intestinal microbial flora, enhances the absorption of nutrients, and provides natural substances (vitamins, provitamins, trace elements, amino acids, mineral salts, etc.) that are highly bioavailable, essential for the good development of the young and for better resistance to diseases.
Instructions for use:
2-3 spoonfuls (40-120 g) per kg of feed.
Food adjuvant powdered with natural yeasts, to be added to the pie.
Regulates digestive functions. It strengthens the intestinal microbial flora, the absorption of nutrients and provides natural substances (vitamins, provitamins, trace elements, amino acids, mineral salts, etc.), highly bioavailable, essential for good development of young and for better resistance to diseases.
How to use it:
2-3 spoonfuls (40-120 g) per kg of pie.
Nettle has remineralizing, diuretic, antirheumatic, antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-ulcer, astringent and analgesic properties. Nettle is able to stimulate the digestion and absorption of food.
It is a natural supplier of important mineral salts (silicon, phosphorus, manganese, calcium, potassium, magnesium) and vitamins A, C and K, iron and chlorophyll.
The diuretic action of nettle facilitates the elimination of bacteria responsible for urinary tract infections.
Dosto Oregano oil 3% for food
As the name suggests, Dosto-Oregano oil 3% for food is intended to be served only via pigeon feed. This oil is not water-soluble! For pigeon fanciers who prefer to use the product with feed, Dosto-Oregano oil 3%for food is equipped with a modern dosing head is the optimal solution. Each pressure on the head gives 2 ml. I recommend as a normal dosage 5 ml on 1 kg of food.
A complete basic initial preparation that contains all the necessary vitamins and trace elements for birds.
Winmix provides birds with all the necessary vitamins and trace elements for an active and harmonious life.
It contains essential proteins for good musculature and during the breeding season, plant fibres to balance digestion, and beneficial plant extracts advantageous to health.
Each component of Winmix is perfectly dosed, ensuring a balanced and coordinated action.
With Winmix, your birds are visibly more beautiful and vigorous, and this after just a few days of use!
Winmix keeps your birds in top form.
HERBAL BLEND with antimicrobial action. Reduces the incidence of infections and mortality of young at the nest. It prevents damage to the intestinal villi by pathogens and improves the absorption of nutrients by the intestine.
Added to the pate this reduces the level of intestinal pathogens such as: E. Coli, Klebsiella, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomas, Salmonella, Bacillus subtilis, etc. Improves palatability and digestibility
Klebsiella, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomas, Salmonella, Bacillus subtilis, etc. It improves the palatability and digestibility of feed, optimizes growth, improves egg production and hatching.
HERBAL BLEND with antimicrobial action. Reduces the incidence of infections and mortality of young at the nest. It prevents damage to the intestinal villi by pathogens and improves the absorption of nutrients by the intestine.
Added to the pate this reduces the level of intestinal pathogens such as: E. Coli, Klebsiella, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomas, Salmonella, Bacillus subtilis, etc. Improves palatability and digestibility
Klebsiella, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomas, Salmonella, Bacillus subtilis, etc. It improves the palatability and digestibility of feed, optimizes growth, improves egg production and hatching.
Dietary supplement for ornamental birds
- PLANT contains several types of quality vegetables. It stimulates appetite and increases the consumption of the feed.
- PLANT keeps the feed fresh and moist. Its dietary fibres help to enhance the digestibility of the food. It contains no colourings or preservatives.
Usage: Add three or four doses of water to PLANT, let it swell, and mix with the egg-based supplement.
Composition: Broccoli, carrots, white cabbage, spinach, courgette, paprika.
Enriched Garlic Oil.
15 ml (1 tablespoon) per kg of food.
Store in a cool place.
Compound for optimal health of your birds. Herbamix has been specially developed for all breeds of birds. You will get very good breeding results by using Herbamix.
Only plant leaves are used. Not the stems. By using only the leaves, the mixture becomes of very strong quality and you will see this in the result of your breeding.
Herbamix is a very pure herbal blend without salts or other harmful substances. It can be used all year round
to keep your animals in perfect condition.
Secondary herbal substances promote the overall good health of birds and the detoxification of the bird's body. It has positive effects on digestion and boosts metabolism
Roni is a product developed for the health of the mucous membranes of the beak, throat and digestive system. It acts by depositing a mucous membrane of particular carbohydrates.
This combination creates an alert immune system and ensures proper digestion.
The composition, as scientific studies show, nourishes the good intestinal flora and reduces bad germs.
It is a particularly active intestinal conditioner and the ideal supplement for Cometosis.
Brewer's yeast. A 100% natural product, rich in amino acids and B vitamins
The raw material comes only from breweries. It is carefully dried and prepared without the intervention of any chemical agent.
It keeps absolutely intact all the qualities of its natural constituent elements.
It is a 100% natural product rich in amino acids, vitamins and organic minerals that are completely assimilated by the pigeon's body.
It has a proven very favorable effect on the fertility of breeding pairs and on the vitality of youngsters.
BIOINTEGRA 1kg - GreenVet
Powdered food supplement based on natural yeasts, to be added to the feed.
Regulates digestive functions. It strengthens the intestinal microbial flora, enhances the absorption of nutrients, and provides natural substances (vitamins, provitamins, trace elements, amino acids, mineral salts, etc.) that are highly bioavailable, essential for the good development of the young and for better resistance to diseases.
Instructions for use:
2-3 spoonfuls (40-120 g) per kg of feed.