Reference: 460211
Probi-Zyme is a combination of probiotics and digestive enzymes. This food supplement activates the crop and intestinal flora, increases benign intestinal flora, allows for better digestion of food, and helps to start the crop and intestinal flora in day-old chicks. Probi-Zyme contains probiotics. These are benign bacteria present in the intestines (and in the crop) of birds.
Probi-Zyme is a combination of probiotics and digestive enzymes. This food supplement active crop and intestine flora, increases benign intestinal flora, allows better digestion of food and helps to start the flora of jabot and intestine among youth for a day. Probi-Zyme contains probiotics. What are the benign bacteria in the intestines (and crop) birds. In addition to these good bacteria, Probi-Zyme contains specific enzymes that ensure better digestion of food. If they are administered in high enough quantities, the combination of the two guarantees an optimal functioning of digestion. Probi-Zyme is one of the few products in which the concentration of bacteria is guaranteed.
-Promotes the benign intestinal flora & that of the crop; This ensures a better digestion.
-Especially important after a course of antibiotics.
-For even better digestive problems in combination with Oro-Digest.
Directions for use: 1 spoon shave (= 1 g) per 100 g of egg food or per 100 g of food to livestock to NutriBird hand.
Add Probi-Zyme food just before giving it to the birds (and this in order to prevent food from sticking too). It is recommended to always administer Probi-Zyme with Oro-Digest. The fructose oligosaccharides present in Oro-Digest serve as food for probiotics contained in Probi-Zyme.
Care food for canaries, exotic and native birds.
Scientifically justified composition with all the nutrients your birds need. Completely consumable, no food loss.
Based on selected seeds, fruits and 50% canary seed.
Contains Florastimul®: supports the intestinal flora and protects against intestinal disorders.
Recommended by veterinarians and used worldwide by ornithological parks and champion breeders.
Purifies drinking water
Kills bacteria, viruses and fungi
Restores inflammation
Prevents mucus formation
Purifies the aerial organs
Petflox Pro10 offers every bird, from the youngest to the oldest, protected, healthy and active animal life. Petflox Pro10 is an organic, odorless, non-toxic complementary supplement and consists of a natural algae gel in which H2O2 is trapped. Petflox Pro10 is a patented product.
Roni is a product developed for the health of the mucous membranes of the beak, throat and digestive system. It acts by depositing a mucous membrane of particular carbohydrates.
This combination creates an alert immune system and ensures proper digestion.
The composition, as scientific studies show, nourishes the good intestinal flora and reduces bad germs.
It is a particularly active intestinal conditioner and the ideal supplement for Cometosis.
Herbal Mix contains oregano, milk thistle, dandelion and mint, as well as B vitamins and essential amino acids.
The medicinal effects of oregano come from its essential oils: carvacrol and thymol are substances that act against fungi, bacteria and viruses. Oregano is also rich in antioxidants, including vitamins C and E.
Milk thistle is a liver plant par excellence. It protects the liver and gallbladder from toxins and other harmful influences. Dandelion is also used for liver and kidney detoxification.
Peat pecking for all birds.
Peat from pure peat soils, sterilized with steam. / Reduces stress and boredom and promotes tingling. / Can be enriched with sprouted seeds or wild seeds. Renew daily.
Promotes digestion and has a beneficial effect on the gastric and intestinal flora.
Stimulates pecking, so birds are more resistant to stressful situations and boredom.
Rich in minerals and trace elements.
Description Comments shipping and return
Ropa-B Liquid 10% can be administered all year round. Supplement for animals, made from natural oregano essential oils.
Combining products: The Ropa-B Liquid 10% can also be combined with other products (non-Ropa-B). If you wish to administer the Ropa-B Liquid 10% at the same time as the Ropa-B 2% food oil, you should halve the quantity of each product.
Usage: 1.5ml/litre of drink, for 3 to 4 days per week.
If necessary: up to 3ml/litre of drink, for 4 to 5 days, then return to normal usage.
Dosto Oregano oil 3% for food
As the name suggests, Dosto-Oregano oil 3% for food is intended to be served only via pigeon feed. This oil is not water-soluble! For pigeon fanciers who prefer to use the product with feed, Dosto-Oregano oil 3%for food is equipped with a modern dosing head is the optimal solution. Each pressure on the head gives 2 ml. I recommend as a normal dosage 5 ml on 1 kg of food.
Application by drinking water.
Against bacteria and coccidies.
Airways released.
After several years of research, Red Animals is proud to present the quintessence of its range with the release of its brand new product, GOLDEN TONIC.
GOLD TONIC is truly a revolutionary product with huge potential. All the tests carried out had sensational results.
GOLD TONIC is a unique combination of plant extracts combined with organic acids and is also intended for pigeons, birds and poultry!
The primary goal of GOLDEN TONIC is to work on strengthening immunity with a great improvement in intestinal and respiratory health.
Avitestin is a mixture of butyric acid and short- and medium-chain fatty acids. It reduces the pH of drinking water and thus reduces the risk of infection with gram-positive bacteria. High-quality medium-chain fatty acids exert their effects far into the small intestine and promote gut health by promoting the growth of the body's own probiotics. The butyric acid it contains is active in the intestine, promotes the growth of villi and therefore improves immune defense. In addition, the acids ensure that the drinking water stays fresh longer and have a positive effect on the metabolism of pigeons.
HERBAL BLEND with antimicrobial action. Reduces the incidence of infections and mortality of young at the nest. It prevents damage to the intestinal villi by pathogens and improves the absorption of nutrients by the intestine.
Added to the pate this reduces the level of intestinal pathogens such as: E. Coli, Klebsiella, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomas, Salmonella, Bacillus subtilis, etc. Improves palatability and digestibility
Klebsiella, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomas, Salmonella, Bacillus subtilis, etc. It improves the palatability and digestibility of feed, optimizes growth, improves egg production and hatching.
Probi-Zyme is a combination of probiotics and digestive enzymes. This food supplement activates the crop and intestinal flora, increases benign intestinal flora, allows for better digestion of food, and helps to start the crop and intestinal flora in day-old chicks. Probi-Zyme contains probiotics. These are benign bacteria present in the intestines (and in the crop) of birds.