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Reference: PRO10-1000
Purifies drinking water
Kills bacteria, viruses and fungi
Restores inflammation
Prevents mucus formation
Purifies the aerial organs
Petflox Pro10 offers every bird, from the youngest to the oldest, protected, healthy and active animal life. Petflox Pro10 is an organic, odorless, non-toxic complementary supplement and consists of a natural algae gel in which H2O2 is trapped. Petflox Pro10 is a patented product.
Purifies drinking water.
Kills bacteria, viruses and fungi.
Restores inflammation.
Prevents mucus formation.
Purifies the aerial organs.
Petflox Pro10 offers every bird, from the youngest to the oldest, protected, healthy and active animal life. Petflox Pro10 is an organic, odorless, non-toxic complementary supplement and consists of a natural algae gel in which H2O2 is trapped. Petflox Pro10 is a patented product.
Operation Pro 10
By adding Pro10 to drinking water, the gel dissolves for 48 hours, gradually releasing H2O2 and killing bacteria, after which H2O2 disintegrates into water and supplemental oxygen, ensuring optimal condition for your pet.
Pro10 App
Add 2 ml of Petflox Pro10 daily with the dosing syringe supplied to 1 litre of clean drinking water. Close the bottle tightly after use and store in a cool, dry and dark place. After opening the vial, Pro10 has a shelf life of up to six months.
Natural source of calcium.
Contains beneficial algae.
Ideal activity for birds.
Helps digest seeds.
The eubiotic 50g from Green Vet is a dietary supplement formulated for birds, designed to support their digestive and overall health.
Ideal for the intestines and liver.
Instructions for Use:
Usage: Mix 2-3 g (approximately 1/2 teaspoon) into 1 kg of mash.
If the mash is moistened, it should be used within one or two days.
Duration: Can be used daily or as a course during specific periods, especially during stress, recovery, or dietary changes.
Care food for canaries, exotic and native birds.
Scientifically justified composition with all the nutrients your birds need. Completely consumable, no food loss.
Based on selected seeds, fruits and 50% canary seed.
Contains Florastimul®: supports the intestinal flora and protects against intestinal disorders.
Recommended by veterinarians and used worldwide by ornithological parks and champion breeders.
the Bronx is made up of several plants including echinacea, eucalyptus and mint.
• Echinacea: excellent effect on the airways.
• Pimpinella anisum: greatly improves digestion.
• eucalyptus: acts on the airways.
• Mentha piperitta ET: very effective against mucus.
Foniopaddy Seed is a natural grass seed grown on our plantations in Uganda. Scientific research has shown that Foniopaddy has a beneficial effect on coccidiosis.
Oropharma Oro-Digest is an intestinal conditioner. This product prevents the adhesion of pathogenic bacteria to the intestine, improves the consistency of droppings, promotes hygiene in nests and prevents small cloaca feathers from sticking together. In the digestive tract of birds are bacteria that are essential for proper digestion. These good bacteria predominate in healthy birds. If pathogenic bacteria predominate, then the bird will have liquid droppings resulting in significant loss of water and electrolytes. Giving antibiotics will kill both good and bad bacteria.
Megabactol contains essential oils natural powers tonic and phases:
Oil of garlic for its purifying and antiseptic action.
Sovereign lactic ferments.
Pigeons, as pets or participants in competitions, require special attention to maintain their health and performance. Colman Laboratory presents its latest revolutionary product: Sovereign Lactic Ferments. This complementary feed is specially designed to support digestive health, boost immunity, and improve the overall performance of these fascinating birds.
Support of the Intestinal Flora
A healthy intestinal flora is essential for the health of pigeons. Sovereign Lactic Ferments provide vital support by balancing and maintaining this essential flora.
HERBAL BLEND with antimicrobial action. Reduces the incidence of infections and mortality of young at the nest. It prevents damage to the intestinal villi by pathogens and improves the absorption of nutrients by the intestine.
Added to the pate this reduces the level of intestinal pathogens such as: E. Coli, Klebsiella, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomas, Salmonella, Bacillus subtilis, etc. Improves palatability and digestibility
Klebsiella, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomas, Salmonella, Bacillus subtilis, etc. It improves the palatability and digestibility of feed, optimizes growth, improves egg production and hatching.
Enriched Garlic Oil.
15 ml (1 tablespoon) per kg of food.
Store in a cool place.
Dietary supplement for ornamental birds
- PLANT contains several types of quality vegetables. It stimulates appetite and increases the consumption of the feed.
- PLANT keeps the feed fresh and moist. Its dietary fibres help to enhance the digestibility of the food. It contains no colourings or preservatives.
Usage: Add three or four doses of water to PLANT, let it swell, and mix with the egg-based supplement.
Composition: Broccoli, carrots, white cabbage, spinach, courgette, paprika.
Foniopaddy Seed is a natural grass seed grown on our plantations in Uganda. Scientific research has shown that Foniopaddy has a beneficial effect on coccidiosis.
Crop health, proventricle and gut health.
Prevention of megabacteriosis and dysbacteriosis:
1-2 days a week 2 ml/l of drinking water.
Can be combined with ACS.
Description Comments shipping and return
Ropa-B Liquid 10% can be administered all year round. Supplement for animals, made from natural oregano essential oils.
Combining products: The Ropa-B Liquid 10% can also be combined with other products (non-Ropa-B). If you wish to administer the Ropa-B Liquid 10% at the same time as the Ropa-B 2% food oil, you should halve the quantity of each product.
Usage: 1.5ml/litre of drink, for 3 to 4 days per week.
If necessary: up to 3ml/litre of drink, for 4 to 5 days, then return to normal usage.
Electrolyte and probiotic for the regeneration of intestinal flora
Probac 1000 contains a special combination of different specific microorganisms in microencapsulated form as well as a unique combination of intestinal regulatory carbohydrates. The different bacterial cultures mutually support their ability to actively develop in the small intestine of the pigeon. In doing so, they help with digestive processes, form essential nutrients, stabilize the natural intestinal flora and strengthen the immune system. They repel pathogenic bacteria such as coccidia, hexamites, E. coli, candida and salmonella and thus play a preventive role against intestinal diseases.
Purifies drinking water
Kills bacteria, viruses and fungi
Restores inflammation
Prevents mucus formation
Purifies the aerial organs
Petflox Pro10 offers every bird, from the youngest to the oldest, protected, healthy and active animal life. Petflox Pro10 is an organic, odorless, non-toxic complementary supplement and consists of a natural algae gel in which H2O2 is trapped. Petflox Pro10 is a patented product.