Reference: PRO10-250
Purifies drinking water
Kills bacteria, viruses and fungi
Restores inflammation
Prevents mucus formation
Purifies the aerial organs
Petflox Pro10 offers every bird, from the youngest to the oldest, protected, healthy and active animal life. Petflox Pro10 is an organic, odorless, non-toxic complementary supplement and consists of a natural algae gel in which H2O2 is trapped. Petflox Pro10 is a patented product.
Purifies drinking water.
Kills bacteria, viruses and fungi.
Restores inflammation.
Prevents mucus formation.
Purifies the aerial organs.
Petflox Pro10 offers every bird, from the youngest to the oldest, protected, healthy and active animal life. Petflox Pro10 is an organic, odorless, non-toxic complementary supplement and consists of a natural algae gel in which H2O2 is trapped. Petflox Pro10 is a patented product.
Operation Pro 10
By adding Pro10 to drinking water, the gel dissolves for 48 hours, gradually releasing H2O2 and killing bacteria, after which H2O2 disintegrates into water and supplemental oxygen, ensuring optimal condition for your pet.
Pro10 App
Add 2 ml of Petflox Pro10 daily with the dosing syringe supplied to 1 litre of clean drinking water. Close the bottle tightly after use and store in a cool, dry and dark place. After opening the vial, Pro10 has a shelf life of up to six months.
COX is composed of a wide variety of plants including thyme, oregano and garlic.
• Thyme: strong immune power, excellent for the respiratory tract
• Oregano: strengthens immunity and resistance, improves digestion.
Oropharma Oro-Digest is an intestinal conditioner. This product prevents the adhesion of pathogenic bacteria in the intestine, improves the consistency of droppings, promotes hygiene in nests, and prevents the small feathers of the cloaca from sticking together. In the digestive tract of birds, there are bacteria essential for good digestion. These good bacteria predominate in healthy birds. If pathogenic bacteria predominate, the bird will have liquid droppings leading to significant loss of water and electrolytes. The administration of antibiotics will eliminate both the good and the bad bacteria.
Electrolyte and probiotic for the regeneration of intestinal flora
Probac 1000 contains a special combination of different specific microorganisms in microencapsulated form as well as a unique combination of intestinal regulatory carbohydrates. The different bacterial cultures mutually support their ability to actively develop in the small intestine of the pigeon. In doing so, they help with digestive processes, form essential nutrients, stabilize the natural intestinal flora and strengthen the immune system. They repel pathogenic bacteria such as coccidia, hexamites, E. coli, candida and salmonella and thus play a preventive role against intestinal diseases.
METABOLYT is a highly concentrated yeast complex. It has an immediate effect on digestion and intestinal flora. In case of liquid droppings, even green and gooey, give for a few days in a row. The effect is radical.
METABOLYT puts a protective layer on the digestive system. These are directly evacuated by the body. If in rare cases the droppings become at first a little softer, it is because the product really cleanses the digestive system. After 1 or 2 days, these will become flawless again!
Nettle has remineralizing, diuretic, antirheumatic, antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-ulcer, astringent and analgesic properties. Nettle is able to stimulate the digestion and absorption of food.
It is a natural supplier of important mineral salts (silicon, phosphorus, manganese, calcium, potassium, magnesium) and vitamins A, C and K, iron and chlorophyll.
The diuretic action of nettle facilitates the elimination of bacteria responsible for urinary tract infections.
PERFORM PRO is a complex blend of plants, clay, yeast, essential oils and probiotics. It greatly improves resistance and strengthens immunity. It will contribute to good intestinal flora and perfect plumage. It is also highly recommended after a course of antibiotics. It can be given throughout the breeding period and at the weaning of young.
Dosto Oregano oil 3% for food
As the name suggests, Dosto-Oregano oil 3% for food is intended to be served only via pigeon feed. This oil is not water-soluble! For pigeon fanciers who prefer to use the product with feed, Dosto-Oregano oil 3%for food is equipped with a modern dosing head is the optimal solution. Each pressure on the head gives 2 ml. I recommend as a normal dosage 5 ml on 1 kg of food.
The combination of these three elements Prebiotics + Probiotics + Postbiotics is very useful to regulate the balance of the INTESTINAL FLORA, the alteration of which is the main cause of many diseases of bird reproduction.
Brewer's yeast. A 100% natural product, rich in amino acids and B vitamins
The raw material comes only from breweries. It is carefully dried and prepared without the intervention of any chemical agent.
It keeps absolutely intact all the qualities of its natural constituent elements.
It is a 100% natural product rich in amino acids, vitamins and organic minerals that are completely assimilated by the pigeon's body.
It has a proven very favorable effect on the fertility of breeding pairs and on the vitality of youngsters.
A complete basic initial preparation that contains all the necessary vitamins and trace elements for birds.
Winmix provides birds with all the necessary vitamins and trace elements for an active and harmonious life.
It contains essential proteins for good musculature and during the breeding season, plant fibres to balance digestion, and beneficial plant extracts advantageous to health.
Each component of Winmix is perfectly dosed, ensuring a balanced and coordinated action.
With Winmix, your birds are visibly more beautiful and vigorous, and this after just a few days of use!
Winmix keeps your birds in top form.
Cometaves Bird 300g - Condition and Dominance - Comed
Cometaves Bird is a specialty that provides all the elements necessary for achieving and maintaining optimal condition in aviary and breeding birds.
Cometaves Bird contains 32 components: vitamins, trace elements, soy proteins, and plant extracts.
They maintain intestinal balance so that all nutrients are better absorbed. Your birds are full of activity, their plumage is shinier and more colourful.
In songbirds, the desire to sing increases.
Nano Tollyamin is a new product based on proteins of excellent quality. We use in this product the "building blocks of life: amino acids".
The administration of amino acids from animal protein sources supports the body's protein synthesis and accelerates regeneration after flights.
In racing pigeons, highly effective proteins from animal whey, combined with added free amino acids (building blocks of life), have been proven.
Some constituents of Nano are so small in size and weight that they are absorbed very quickly and efficiently. This results in a quick recovery after competitions.
Avitestin is a mixture of butyric acid and short- and medium-chain fatty acids. It reduces the pH of drinking water and thus reduces the risk of infection with gram-positive bacteria. High-quality medium-chain fatty acids exert their effects far into the small intestine and promote gut health by promoting the growth of the body's own probiotics. The butyric acid it contains is active in the intestine, promotes the growth of villi and therefore improves immune defense. In addition, the acids ensure that the drinking water stays fresh longer and have a positive effect on the metabolism of pigeons.
Purifies drinking water
Kills bacteria, viruses and fungi
Restores inflammation
Prevents mucus formation
Purifies the aerial organs
Petflox Pro10 offers every bird, from the youngest to the oldest, protected, healthy and active animal life. Petflox Pro10 is an organic, odorless, non-toxic complementary supplement and consists of a natural algae gel in which H2O2 is trapped. Petflox Pro10 is a patented product.