Reference: PROVITE250
Composition: Grape sugar, Calcium carbonate
Physiological and nutritional additive per kg:
Vitamin E 50,000 mg, Selenium (sodium selenite) 50 mg.
Provit-E helps to "kick-start" breeding birds and promotes fertility. The positive effects on muscles and protection against cellular oxidation are also well known. In cases of fat accumulation, vitamin E and selenium work closely together.
Food supplement for ornamental birds.
Usage: 3 weeks before mating, 1g (1 scoop) per 100g of egg food or in 200 ml of drinking water, 3-4 times a week.
Composition: Sucre de raisin, carbonate de Calcium`
Substance additionnelle physiologique et nutritionnelle par kg:
Vitamine E 50.000 mg, Sélénium (sélénite de sodium) 50 mg.
Provit-E contribue à mettre les oiseaux d’élevage “en marche”, il favorise la fécondité. Les effets positifs sur les muscles et la protection contre l’oxydation cellulaire sont également connus. En cas d’accumulation des graisses, la vitamine E et le sélénium travaillent en étroite collaboration.
Complément d’alimentation pour oiseaux d’ornement.
Utilisation: 3 semaines avant l’accouplement 1g (1 mesurettes) pour 100 g
d’aliments aux œufs ou dans 200 ml d’eau potable, 3-4 fois par semaine.
Ce complément d’alimentation doit être intégré à hauteur d’une ration maximale de 1% par jour du fait de la teneur élevée en sélénium de cette nourriture complète. En cas d’application sur de l’eau potable, le dosage indiqué doit impérativement être respecté.
Spirulina is a natural algae with a protein content of at least 55%! It contains many trace elements and amino acids. Well known in the human diet, it is a source of protein increasingly used nowadays, and 100% natural !!!
Very interesting for the growth of young and the fixation of dyes.
Red Animals has developed a concentrated vitamin E + Selenium of very high quality. The combination of vitamin E and selenium has a powerful antioxidant effect that promotes fertility. It is given 6 to 7 days before mating and also 2 times a week during the growth of the young.
Compared to wheat germ oil, this product is much more concentrated in vitamin E.
Dosage: 5ml per liter of water or 10ml per kilo of seeds or pâté
HERBAL BLEND with antimicrobial action. Reduces the incidence of infections and mortality of young at the nest. It prevents damage to the intestinal villi by pathogens and improves the absorption of nutrients by the intestine.
Added to the pate this reduces the level of intestinal pathogens such as: E. Coli, Klebsiella, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomas, Salmonella, Bacillus subtilis, etc. Improves palatability and digestibility
Klebsiella, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomas, Salmonella, Bacillus subtilis, etc. It improves the palatability and digestibility of feed, optimizes growth, improves egg production and hatching.
Antibacterial, antiviral, fungicide, anti-coccidiosis, it promotes digestion and clears the respiratory tract, purifies the blood, etc.
This blend has already proven itself with fantastic results. A dozen breeders tested the product before it went on sale.
The first findings were as follows: many down feathers, super droppings, whiter noses, pigeons are soft as silk and run well. All testers without exception are very satisfied.
Best Breed is a blend of proteins, vitamins and minerals.
Best Breed is used during the breeding season to increase fertility and fecundity.
Probi-Zyme is a combination of probiotics and digestive enzymes. This food supplement activates the crop and intestinal flora, increases benign intestinal flora, allows for better digestion of food, and helps to start the crop and intestinal flora in day-old chicks. Probi-Zyme contains probiotics. These are benign bacteria present in the intestines (and in the crop) of birds.
Vega is the most complete and balanced vitamin complex on the market. It contains no less than 10 vitamins, 15 amino acids, 5 electrolytes, 3 trace elements and 4 organic acids making 37 different elements! These elements are mostly highly dosed and by giving it regularly, you will avoid any deficiency to your birds. This is the ideal complex because it contains a lot of vitamin B (carbohydrates), amino acids (muscles) and even electrolytes to avoid dehydration.
Supplementary food for animals suitable for all species. Administration is indicated in circumstances that hinder the digestive process or compromise normal digestion. Also to be used during moulting.
VEGA POWDER is a hyper-concentrated complex of vitamins, amino acids, trace elements and mineral salts. It is used during breeding, moulting or competitions at a rate of 15gr per kilo of seeds (to be mixed with PREMIUM OIL) or 30g per kilo of pie (mix with METABOLYT).
VEGA POWDER will give vitality and will also improve appetite. Ideal also after a course of antibiotics.
Megabactol bird contains natural tonic and phases powers essential oils: oil of garlic for its purifying and antiseptic action.
Prevents performance degradation.
Used for strengthening.
Is an optimal preparation for the breeding season. Supports birds with white backgrounds.
For the supply of vitamins after drug treatments.
Vitamins for cage birds.
Breeding promotion, exhibition/competition, extra energy.
Composition: Grape sugar, Calcium carbonate
Physiological and nutritional additive per kg:
Vitamin E 50,000 mg, Selenium (sodium selenite) 50 mg.
Provit-E helps to "kick-start" breeding birds and promotes fertility. The positive effects on muscles and protection against cellular oxidation are also well known. In cases of fat accumulation, vitamin E and selenium work closely together.
Food supplement for ornamental birds.
Usage: 3 weeks before mating, 1g (1 scoop) per 100g of egg food or in 200 ml of drinking water, 3-4 times a week.