• In the process of being restocked
Ph control 1 L

Ph control 1 L

Reference: 74033/544

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In the process of being restocked

PH-Control is an acid for drinking water, is a combination of acid free and stamped. With a purpose focused on negative bacteria (e.g. salmonella and e. coli) in drinking water and in the intestine, the pH-Control promotes good digestion. Due to additional acidification and the high efficiency of the acids in the intestine, the pH-Control to a positive effect on the intestinal health and performance of the birds.

Intestinal health = animal health

Gut health is the key to having animals in good health and with good results. But the stomach and intestines are also responsible for the digestion of food. They contain billions of bacteria and are responsible for the formation of the substances stimulating immunity. Therefore, you should always pay attention to the intestinal health. The organic acids can promote balance in the intestine and the regulation of harmful bacteria such as e. coli, salmonella and drastically reduce trichomoniasis. Mainly among youth, the digestive system is still very susceptible to germs, because the intestinal flora is still developing, it cannot provide sufficient protection. In addition to the inhibition of pathogenic germs, pH-Control also protects the desired lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus) and thus creates the conditions for a healthy intestinal flora.

By releasing digestive enzymes, favorable circumstances are created for optimal assimilation of nutrients.


For a permanent reduction of the microbial load, we recommend a dosage of 5 ml pH-Control on 1 litre of drinking water. Drinking water shows you, at this time, a pH value of 4. Avoid absolutely the use of pH-Control at the same time as drugs or vaccinations for a day. However it is advisable to give the Med. Tollyamin strong and the Dosto Oregano liquid 12% at the same time. The high quality of our products with oregano, improves the antibacteriel of pH-Control effect. 

Directions for use:

5 ml per litre of water. Daily use of the pH-Control is recommended.


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