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Mumm 400g

€18.95 Price

Mumm is an easy-to-digest, water-soluble energizer that provides energy and replenishes glycogen stores. Since it contains various carbohydrates, Mumm is able to provide energy before the flight and quickly replenish glycogen stores after the flight. Mumm also contains various vitamins, potassium and magnesium, which ensure simple muscle regeneration after flying.

  • 1 in stock

Electrolyte 3Plus 600g

€13.95 Price

Electrolyte 3Plus is an excellent combination of electrolytes that allows for rapid normalisation of body fluids due to moisture loss. Electrolyte 3Plus should generally be given after significant exertion. It is water-soluble and is administered in drinking water during moulting and breeding, as well as after competitive flights to compensate for electrolyte loss. Electrolyte 3Plus helps maintain fluid balance and significantly reduces the recovery period. The magnesium and potassium contained are important for muscle and heart function.

  • 2 in stock

Hemoglobal 250g - Faster recovery after each flight - Comed

€21.95 Price

Hemoglobal 250g - Faster recovery after each flight - Comed

Our special formula based on absorbable iron helps your pigeons (especially the young ones) recover more quickly after intensive training and competitions.


Faster recovery: after demanding training and competitions, particularly important for young pigeons.

Increased energy levels: for optimal performance.

Special formula based on absorbable iron.