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  • 4 in stock

Nutribird F16 800g

€8.25 Price

Maintenance feed for frugivorous, turdid and jay pigeons.

Scientifically justified composition with all the nutrients your birds need. Completely consumable, no food loss.

Fruit. Contains Florastimul®: supports the intestinal flora and protects against intestinal disorders.

A very common problem in frugivorous and insectivorous birds is an accumulation of iron in the liver; this is why NutriBird F16 has an extremely low iron content (max 85 ppm).

Instructions for use: 

Recommended by veterinarians and used worldwide by ornithological parks and champion breeders.

  • 5 in stock

UNI komplet 1kg

€8.95 Price

Maintenance food for small fugitive and insectivorous birds

Scientifically justified composition with all the nutrients your birds need. Completely consumable, no food loss.

Based on selected seeds and fruits.

Contains Florastimul®: supports the intestinal flora and protects against intestinal disorders.

Recommended by veterinarians and used worldwide by ornithological parks and champion breeders.

  • In the process of being restocked

Nutribird H16 10kg

€61.15 Price

Maintenance food for hornbills.

Scientifically justified composition with all the nutrients your birds need. Completely consumable, no food waste.

With fruits.

A very common problem in frugivorous and insectivorous birds is an accumulation of iron in the liver; this is why NutriBird H16 has an extremely low iron content (max 85 ppm).

Recommended by veterinarians and used worldwide by bird parks and champion breeders.

  • 1 in stock

Nutribird T16 Original 10kg

€55.65 Price

Maintenance feed for toucans, touracos and frugivorous pigeons.

Scientifically justified composition with all the nutrients your birds need. Completely consumable, no food loss.

Fruit. Contains Florastimul®: supports the intestinal flora and protects against intestinal disorders.

A very common problem in frugivorous and insectivorous birds is an accumulation of iron in the liver; this is why NutriBird T16 Original has an extremely low iron content (max 85 ppm).

Recommended by veterinarians and used worldwide by ornithological parks and champion breeders.

  • 4 in stock

Fruit Jelly Mix (6 jars) - Back Zoo Nature

€3.30 Price

Back Zoo Nature Fruit Tubs Mix 6 pieces of different flavors for birds, parrots, rodents and rabbits. These fruit jars are a treat for your pet! Formerly known as ZooFaria Fruit Cups, the name was changed a few years ago to Back Zoo Nature Fruit Cups.

Fruits, and especially sugars, are a very important part of the diet of birds, especially those with crooked beaks. In the wild, birds eat a lot of fruits, nectar, flowers, etc. These contain a lot of natural sugars, but birds really need them. A bird consumes much more energy in relation to its body weight, after all, it must be able to fly.

  • 10 in stock

Uni Pasta 1kg - Complete Food For Little Frugivores And Insectivores

€6.75 Price

Aliment complet pour les oiseaux frugivores et insectivores

Aliment universel avec une valeur nutritive élevée et une très bonne ingestion.

Humidifié avec du miel 100% naturel.

Peut être administré tel quel, ou mélangé avec des fruits ou des insectes.

Également un aliment complémentaire nourrissant pour beaucoup d'autres espèces d'oiseaux..

  • 10 in stock

Remiline - Universal Fat Granule 1kg

€3.80 Price

Complete enriched food (pressed pellets) for jays & thrushes.

Balanced pressed pellet, enriched with juniper berries.

Traditional product with high nutritional value and very good assimilation.

Easy to use.

  • 2 in stock

Nutribird P15 original 10kg - Extruded granules - Maintenance feed for parrots

€51.99 Price

Maintenance feed for parrots 

Scientifically justified composition with all the nutrients your birds need. Completely consumable, no food loss.

Based on selected seeds, fruits and peanuts.

Contains Florastimul®: supports the intestinal flora and protects against intestinal disorders.

Recommended by veterinarians and used worldwide by ornithological parks and champion breeders.

  • 1 in stock

Tropical Fruit Pâtée 5kg - Orlux

€38.90 Price

A balanced fruit pie with all the nutrients your birds need.

With 25% dried fruits: apricots, pineapples, papaya, apples, mountain ash berries and raisins.

Has a coarser structure for better ingestion.

With spirulina.