Bath salts

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  • €3.00 - €14.00

Bath salts

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  • 30 in stock

Ideal Bathsalt 1 kg

€10.40 Price

Orange bath salt that ensures soft feathers and perfect plumage.

Promotes the fall of down and removes dust from the skin.

Ensures supple and strong feathers.

Relaxes muscles.

  • 3 in stock

Oro-Bath 300g

€12.55 Price

Bath salt for shiny plumage

Oropharma Oro-Bath is a special bath salt for shiny plumage. This care product softens feathers, prevents the formation of flakes on the legs and skin, and makes the feathers shine. Oro-Bath has a relaxing effect, relaxes the muscles, and cleans the skin and feathers. Everyone knows that birds love to bathe and need it. Bathing regularly is essential for feather maintenance. By adding Oro-Bath to the bath water, birds have more supple feathers. Their plumage is strengthened and retains its water resistance.

A benefit for the plumage and skin of birds.

Relaxes the muscles and gently cleans feathers and skin.

Helps prevent feather mites.