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Tradition Mix 20 kg

€12.65 Price

Daily quantity of Cavalor Tradition per animal as a supplement to sufficient (minimum 5 kg) hay and straw: maintenance - max. 400 g per 100 kg of live weight. The daily ration depends on performance, breed, and forage.

Cavalor® Tradition Mix contains the necessary substances that a horse's traditional ration should include.

This mix is used for horses that need to perform light work or are at rest.

The excellent quality of this basic mix makes Cavalor® Tradition Mix a feed with a very wide potential use (regardless of the type of horse). This general mix is highly digestible with a good feed conversion result.

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Fiber force 15 kg

€19.40 Price

Cavalor® FiberForce is a high-fibre, low-sugar and low-starch feed that is particularly suitable for horses with stomach ulcers, gastrointestinal diseases, insulin resistance (IR), laminitis, Cushing's disease, tying-up, colic, and/or muscle disorders.

Cavalor® FiberForce contains a blend of the most important fibre sources as well as extruded fibre pellets. The formulation features the lowest possible sugar (3%) and starch (5%) levels for a complete horse feed. The total sugar/starch content is even lower than that of most types of hay.

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€14.45 Price

Cavalor® Action Mix has been developed for sport horses that perform light work (4 to 8 hours per week). The selection of raw materials is adapted on the one hand to performance and on the other hand to the desire to obtain a tasty mix. The intelligent combination of plant products and the knowledge of the real needs of the sport horse performing light work have made it possible to create a mix that largely meets the requirements of excellent nutrition.

It is obviously appropriate to give Cavalor® Action Mix as a supplement to hay and straw. And when the horse spends little time in the pasture (1 kg of hay = 5 kg of grass), this sport mix can also be given to ensure that all nutritional needs are met.

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  • 9 in stock

TopHay Dry Hay 10 kg - Jopack

€9.30 Price


The horse is a herbivore that needs quality hay every day. TopHay is a hay that comes from natural meadows and perfectly meets this need. TopHay does not contain dust and has a pleasant smell of weed, making the product very palatable.

Thanks to the practical pre-cut portions, every horse owner knows exactly how much hay they are giving per meal. The horse never gets too much hay, but never too much either.

"Appetizing, dust-free, practical, TopHay is a magnificent hay for horses" Nelson Pessoa.

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Breeding mix 20kg - EquiFirst

€15.50 Price

Breeding Mix is a flaked farmed feed. It is intended for the mare during gestation and lactation as well as the foal until the age of 3 years.

For mares, foals and young horses.

With Linamix®

The quality of the proteins and fatty acids used will allow good development and optimal growth.

Complete with vitamins, minerals and trace elements, this feed is the right solution for breeding mares as well as for growing foals.

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Lucerne 25kg

€13.90 Price

A natural source of protein and fibre, rich in vitamins and minerals, alfalfa has multiple nutritional benefits that are stabilised and preserved by the dehydration process.

  • 1 in stock

PE - D.B.H.F. Pellet for mares and foals 20kg

€13.40 Price

Highly digestible pellet for pregnant and lactating mares and young foals. The high content of vitamins and minerals ensures healthy growth of the unborn foal. The energy-rich pellet also contains highly digestible protein sources for good milk yield in the mare and a healthy and energetic foal.

  • 2 in stock

PAT - D.B.H.F. Athletic Pellet 20kg

€14.20 Price

The ultimate sport pellet for sporty horses that need to do sports. With its high content of omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, it is the ideal feed for horses that have to exert themselves for long periods of time. To improve digestion, pre-treated cereals are used and live yeast is added.

  • 9 in stock

PFM - D.B.H.F. Muesli, fibre and herbs 15kg

€15.00 Price

The ultimate sport pellet for sporty horses that need to do sports. With its high content of omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, it is the ideal feed for horses that have to exert themselves for long periods of time. To improve digestion, pre-treated cereals are used and live yeast is added.