Digestive system

Digestive system

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  • 8 in stock

Oro-Digest 500g

€27.75 Price

Oropharma Oro-Digest is an intestinal conditioner. This product prevents the adhesion of pathogenic bacteria to the intestine, improves the consistency of droppings, promotes hygiene in nests and prevents small cloaca feathers from sticking together. In the digestive tract of birds are bacteria that are essential for proper digestion. These good bacteria predominate in healthy birds. If pathogenic bacteria predominate, then the bird will have liquid droppings resulting in significant loss of water and electrolytes. Giving antibiotics will kill both good and bad bacteria.

  • 3 in stock

Oro-Digest 150g

€13.90 Price

Oropharma Oro-Digest is an intestinal conditioner. This product prevents the adhesion of pathogenic bacteria in the intestine, improves the consistency of droppings, promotes hygiene in nests, and prevents the small feathers of the cloaca from sticking together. In the digestive tract of birds, there are bacteria essential for good digestion. These good bacteria predominate in healthy birds. If pathogenic bacteria predominate, the bird will have liquid droppings leading to significant loss of water and electrolytes. The administration of antibiotics will eliminate both the good and the bad bacteria.

  • 3 in stock

Opti-Breed 500g

€13.90 Price

Oropharma Opti-Breed is a balanced blend of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, Florastimul, and L-carnitine. This dietary supplement is administered for good growth, optimal skeletal development, proper shell formation, and perfect skin and feather structure. Opti-Breed promotes better health and productivity and contains all the components your birds need for proper development. Adding Opti-Breed to your own egg food mixes contributes to better breeding and optimal growth. Florastimul is a prebiotic, a food substance for the good bacteria present in the intestine.

  • 8 in stock

Spirulina 250g - Quiko

€18.00 Price

The unique properties of spirulina are the combination of its different components and their ability to work together. Natural spirulina enhances feather colouring, improves feather structure, increases resilience, and reduces the possibility of deficiency. Spirulina strengthens the immune system, maintains the natural balance of the gut, and is particularly effective during the breeding season.

  • 6 in stock

Probi-Zyme 200g

€21.85 Price

Probi-Zyme is a combination of probiotics and digestive enzymes. This food supplement activates the crop and intestinal flora, increases benign intestinal flora, allows for better digestion of food, and helps to start the crop and intestinal flora in day-old chicks. Probi-Zyme contains probiotics. These are benign bacteria present in the intestines (and in the crop) of birds.

  • 1 in stock

Cometaves Bird 300g - Condition and Dominance - Comed

€21.95 Price

Cometaves Bird 300g - Condition and Dominance - Comed

Cometaves Bird is a specialty that provides all the elements necessary for achieving and maintaining optimal condition in aviary and breeding birds.

Cometaves Bird contains 32 components: vitamins, trace elements, soy proteins, and plant extracts.

They maintain intestinal balance so that all nutrients are better absorbed. Your birds are full of activity, their plumage is shinier and more colourful.

In songbirds, the desire to sing increases.

  • 3 in stock

Winmix 300g - Comed

€19.41 Price

A complete basic initial preparation that contains all the necessary vitamins and trace elements for birds.

Winmix provides birds with all the necessary vitamins and trace elements for an active and harmonious life.

It contains essential proteins for good musculature and during the breeding season, plant fibres to balance digestion, and beneficial plant extracts advantageous to health.

Each component of Winmix is perfectly dosed, ensuring a balanced and coordinated action.

With Winmix, your birds are visibly more beautiful and vigorous, and this after just a few days of use!
Winmix keeps your birds in top form.

  • In the process of being restocked

Megabactin Bird 50g - Comed

€6.94 Price

Megabactin Bird maintains the bird's intestinal balance. It ensures an optimal pH value during digestion.

It provides a normal consistency to the droppings. It regulates intestinal transit and leaves a protective film on the intestinal lining. It contains probiotics.

  • 5 in stock

Megabactin 300g - Comed

€22.93 Price

Megabactin Bird maintains the bird's intestinal balance. It ensures an optimal pH value during digestion.

It provides a normal consistency to the droppings. It regulates intestinal transit and leaves a protective film on the intestinal lining. It contains probiotics.

  • 2 in stock

Bronx 500 ml - Airways

€19.90 Price

the Bronx is made up of several plants including echinacea, eucalyptus and mint.

• Echinacea: excellent effect on the airways.

• Pimpinella anisum: greatly improves digestion.

• eucalyptus: acts on the airways.

• Mentha piperitta ET: very effective against mucus.

  • 8 in stock

Metabolyt 500 ml - Live yeasts

€21.50 Price

METABOLYT is a highly concentrated yeast complex. It has an immediate effect on digestion and intestinal flora. In case of liquid droppings, even green and gooey, give for a few days in a row. The effect is radical.

METABOLYT puts a protective layer on the digestive system. These are directly evacuated by the body. If in rare cases the droppings become at first a little softer, it is because the product really cleanses the digestive system. After 1 or 2 days, these will become flawless again!