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  • 2 in stock

Quiko Med V powder 250g

€46.80 Price

Quiko Med powder is a natural product that does not produce any side effects.

This powder has a bactericidal, occidocidal, and fungicidal effect. Quiko Med is not an antibiotic.

Quiko Med destroys resistant bacteria and contributes to a healthy immune system.

Can be used preventatively or curatively.

Instructions for use:

To be administered preferably in the mash or in the food.

Preventative: 3 g per kilo of mash, once a week.

Curative: 3 g per kilo of mash for 5/6 consecutive days, then once a week.

  • 6 in stock

Probi-Zyme 200g

€21.85 Price

Probi-Zyme is a combination of probiotics and digestive enzymes. This food supplement activates the crop and intestinal flora, increases benign intestinal flora, allows for better digestion of food, and helps to start the crop and intestinal flora in day-old chicks. Probi-Zyme contains probiotics. These are benign bacteria present in the intestines (and in the crop) of birds.

  • 30 in stock

Ideal Bathsalt 1 kg

€10.40 Price

Orange bath salt that ensures soft feathers and perfect plumage.

Promotes the fall of down and removes dust from the skin.

Ensures supple and strong feathers.

Relaxes muscles.

  • 3 in stock

Oro-Bath 300g

€12.55 Price

Bath salt for shiny plumage

Oropharma Oro-Bath is a special bath salt for shiny plumage. This care product softens feathers, prevents the formation of flakes on the legs and skin, and makes the feathers shine. Oro-Bath has a relaxing effect, relaxes the muscles, and cleans the skin and feathers. Everyone knows that birds love to bathe and need it. Bathing regularly is essential for feather maintenance. By adding Oro-Bath to the bath water, birds have more supple feathers. Their plumage is strengthened and retains its water resistance.

A benefit for the plumage and skin of birds.

Relaxes the muscles and gently cleans feathers and skin.

Helps prevent feather mites.

  • 9 in stock

Curol 250ml - Health Oil

€12.72 Price

Curol (Cure Oil) is an antiseptic compound oil for health, made from active aromatics that support the immune system.

Essential during breeding and ideal against stress due to social disturbances.

Instructions for use:

1 course of 14 days before mating and before the start of the exhibition periods.

Other periods: 3 times a week Dosage: 1 teaspoon (5 ml) per 250g of food.

  • 8 in stock

Metabolyt 500 ml - Live yeasts

€21.50 Price

METABOLYT is a highly concentrated yeast complex. It has an immediate effect on digestion and intestinal flora. In case of liquid droppings, even green and gooey, give for a few days in a row. The effect is radical.

METABOLYT puts a protective layer on the digestive system. These are directly evacuated by the body. If in rare cases the droppings become at first a little softer, it is because the product really cleanses the digestive system. After 1 or 2 days, these will become flawless again!

  • 3 in stock

Premium Oil 1L - Garlic, Thyme and Vitamin E

€24.90 Price
Premium oil is a mixture of wheat germ oil, garlic and thyme. Rich in vitamin E, it is wise to give it for 8 days in preparation for mating.
Garlic essential oil has a purifying effect while thyme strengthens immune defenses. It can be combined with the Galaxy powder for optimal effect.
Also suitable for poultry.

  • 15 in stock

Vega 250 ml - Vitamins, Amino Acids and Electrolytes

€15.90 Price

Vega is the most complete and balanced vitamin complex on the market. It contains no less than 10 vitamins, 15 amino acids, 5 electrolytes, 3 trace elements and 4 organic acids making 37 different elements! These elements are mostly highly dosed and by giving it regularly, you will avoid any deficiency to your birds. This is the ideal complex because it contains a lot of vitamin B (carbohydrates), amino acids (muscles) and even electrolytes to avoid dehydration.

  • 16 in stock

Vitamin E - Selenium 500 ml

€19.50 Price

Red Animals has developed a very high quality concentrated vitamin E - Selenium. The combination of vitamin E and Selenium has a powerful anti-oxidant effect that promotes fertility. It is given 6 to 7 days before mating and also twice a week during the growth of young. Compared to wheat germ oil, this product is much more concentrated in vitamin E.

  • 15 in stock

Perform Pro 500g - Probiotics, Green Clay and Essential Oils

€19.90 Price

PERFORM PRO is a complex blend of plants, clay, yeast, essential oils and probiotics. It greatly improves resistance and strengthens immunity. It will contribute to good intestinal flora and perfect plumage. It is also highly recommended after a course of antibiotics. It can be given throughout the breeding period and at the weaning of young.

  • 10 in stock

Vitamin E + Selenium 100 ml

€8.90 Price

Red Animals has developed a concentrated vitamin E + Selenium of very high quality. The combination of vitamin E and selenium has a powerful antioxidant effect that promotes fertility. It is given 6 to 7 days before mating and also 2 times a week during the growth of the young.

Compared to wheat germ oil, this product is much more concentrated in vitamin E.

Dosage: 5ml per liter of water or 10ml per kilo of seeds or pâté