List of products by brand Covatutto

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Digital thermo-hygrometer - Covatutto

€49.90 Price

Ideal thermohygrometer for measuring the temperature and humidity inside Covatutto incubators.

It offers 2 settings:

Covatutto Mode (quick selection of the specific Novital Incubator model, automatic adjustment of reference parameters).

Room mode (ideal for measuring the environmental temperature and humidity with any other type of incubator), automatic shutdown 5 minutes after activation.

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Digital Digital Thermometer - Covatutto

€39.90 Price

27x16h mm display, 0.1°C resolution, +/- 0.15°C tolerance, F/C° selection, powered by AAA LR03 1.5 Volt alkaline batteries (not included).

It offers 2 settings:

Covatutto mode (quick selection of the specific Novital incubator model, automatic adjustment of reference parameters).

Room mode (ideal for measuring room temperature and any other type of incubator); Automatic shut-off 5 minutes after activation.