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  • €4.00 - €23.00


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  • 4 in stock

Turtle Doves and Exotic Pigeons 20 kg

€22.30 Price

Quality seed mix for exotic doves.

A great mix for all exotic pigeons.


Dari 25%, Safflower Seed 16%, Hemp 10%, Milo 9%, Wheat 7%, Peeled Barley 5%, Katjang Idjoe 5%, Vetch 4%, Yellow Millet 4%, Buckwheat 3%, Rice Paddy 3%, Shelled Oats 2%, Rice 2%, Red Millet 2%, Rapeseed 1%, Flaxseed 1%, Streaked Sunflower Seed 1%

  • In the process of being restocked

Dovix Turtledoves 20 kg - Deli Natur

€18.75 Price

The DoviX dove mix is the ideal base mix for all types of turtle doves, white-fronted doves and other exotic dove breeds such as the Senegalese dove, the Turkish dove...

The mixture contains a cracked corn base and contains a wide variety of grains and seeds.

  • 1 in stock

Pigeons - Doves 4kg

€5.90 Price

Mix of quality seeds for doves.

Also for small exotic pigeons; food to be spread in gardens and parks.

With lots of small seeds.