• Neu
  • Warten auf Wiederauffüllung

Große Sittiche Zucht 20kg

Artikel-Nr.: 421888

25,83 €

Please note that for orders shipped to countries outside of Europe, additional taxes, customs duties, and fees may apply upon arrival in the destination country.

These charges are the responsibility of the customer and are determined by the local customs authorities.

We recommend checking with your local customs office for more information on potential charges before placing your order.

Warten auf Wiederauffüllung

Mélange de graines de qualité pour les grandes perruches.

Maintient les grandes perruches en condition optimale


Millet jaune 32%, millet rouge 10%, alpiste 9%, avoine pelée 9%, tournesol strié 6%, froment 5%, cardy 5%, millet blanc 4%, navette 4%, chanvre 4%, tournesol blanc 3%, graines de lin 3%, riz paddy 3%, arachides pelées 1%, niger 1%, millet japonais 1%


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